Spoonful of Self Care - M o o n F e e l s

Despite all of the beliefs, no valid scientific study has ever found a significant extraordinary effect of the full moon on life on Earth. As Buddha suggested, "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." Possibly you've awakened to the shifts the moon phases have created, or maybe you experience no effects at all, or you feel off/not loving life but are unaware of why. 

Leading up to a moon phases and a few days after my empathetic self begins it's ride on the lunar roller-coaster. If you like me are hyper sensitive here are some ways I cope!

1. Moon Phase Bathing.

During the Full moon, the minerals and energies in the salt can optimally be absorbed by the body. This is when the body’s healing potential is at its peak, bio-energetic weak points can be harmonized, and the body’s own energy flow can be activated. During a New moon, the cleansing effects are optimized because the body’s capacity for detoxifying is at its peak. A salt bath taken at this phase of the moon will have a detoxifying effect similar to a three-day fast.

Here is a link for creating your own step by step Moon Bath

2. Moon Rituals

The full moon has an intense amount of energy and its important we harness it in some way. After the full moon, it wanes; it is symbolic of the closing of a chapter or reaching a goal. That is why a full moon ritual includes a releasing exercise. Although our new moon intentions ritual included a ceremony with others, you may find a full moon ritual to be intensely emotional or personal. You may prefer to do this on your own or with a close friend or two. It is always beneficial to connect with the people you set your full moon intentions with, however a short phone call or email might be a better approach

Here is a link for a simple yet significant Moon Ritual

3. Don’t give your power away to the moon.

First, adjust your mindset. Yes, the energy is more intense at the full moon. But it's much more likely to throw us in a frenzy when we’re disconnected from our feelings – or pretending that we don’t have the feelings to begin with.

Because we are often so good at suppressing how we really feel, when the full moon lights up our hidden emotional world, those who are hyper-sensitive can have a tendency to get taken for a wild lunar ride. If you’re feeling overwhelmed at the intensity of the full moon, notice whether you are blaming something external rather than owning your natural emotional intensity (this may be a pattern for you). The way to understand your own your feelings is, first, to notice them.  Understanding the process in which emotions are released from the body is insightful and very helpful.

First the emotions rise to your consciousness, second you experience the emotion, then finally you release the emotion. It can seem as though you have taken a step back or are experiencing resistance. Remember if it was painful going in, it will be painful coming out! How you choose to perceive the process is entirely up to you. I try my best to look at it as happy healing even when I am intensely challenged because the result is more space for new opportunities and experiences (from my blog post spiritual awakening).

4. Moon Journal

Write down your feels at the full moon, and then again at the new moon. Keep inventory. Repeat during the next lunar cycle.

Before long, if you’re sensitive to the moon, you’ll start to see your own patterns. You’ll start to understand how you feel each full moon, you’ll be able to predict how you’ll be at the next one, and you’ll be able to plan your life and work accordingly. This has benefited me as I too menstruate with the full moon so I got Aunt Flo sitting next to me on this lunar roller-coaster. I honor my natural rhythm and lighten my work load to allow for Stacey time :)

And after awhile, you will start to feel how the full moon just reflects and heightens your own emotional world (as above, so below).

5. Honor Your Natural Rhythm

Each month, there will be a full moon. You can’t control that. But once you understand and predict your feelings, you can avoid freaking out over the intensity of the full moon. You can also become more compassionate to those moody around you as you begin to understand on a deeper level how this compels you. 

Lunar tracking means you’ll learn your own rhythm and know whether you want to hide away from the world, schedule a wild night on the dance floor, or stay up all night allowing your creative juices to manifest and flow. There's no one recipe for a full moon. We’re all different. Listen to your body and treat it to some self care.

Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit. 

Namastacey (~*~)