New Year's Eve with the crew
In the last few years with all the happenings, we've definitely lifted layers and highlighted family core values and beliefs. The pandemic corona/crown virus brought about a realization and a pulling out of where everyone stood with their beliefs about life, health, control, societal influence, lifestyles, science, spirituality and human nature to highlight a few areas, although every particle of the cell was being given the opportunity to rid itself of fake, fear, and false based information.
There's no running when the world was in states of demanding one shows their true colours and what side of history one stands on. Through this opportunity, we were given to see the grave lengths in which control, manipulation, media, and fear can drive one straight into the wrong actions and less-than-decisions if they do not have a mind or connection of their own to a higher, more rational perspective on the superficial experiences manifesting from the slough of energies stored within the subconscious, casting out and emitting their beliefs regardless of what one wants or truly feels. The belief systems, definitions, and perspectives are where the healing and awareness process begins.
As a result, we've experienced mass division within our families as we took a stand in 2018 to be only our most genuine selves at all times. Those who were not okay with that showed their lack of colour, so to speak, the hues that make one human and emotionally intelligent, highly capable of empathizing and understanding all the mere 8 billion other versions of themselves scattered across the globe. It can be painful to say the absolute least when your loved ones have chosen to stay in the status quo and repeat all the patterns and unhealthy loops. Especially if this results in turning on, dimming of, deleting, avoiding, and altering one's intentions or pure persona and drive for the betterment of their family's lineage through addressing traumas and trials that must be aired out. One truly must become aware of how they are affected by others and on the contrast how they are affecting others this when studied will change your entire view of life. Comparison and competition are all signs of emotional immaturity along with assuming and expecting and a large indicator that one separates and lives a very limited, self-centred, self-focused life, where they are not sewing together and bringing a deeper understanding to their relationships, feelings, and connection to everyone else.
With that said as the year came to a close for us we sent love to our family members still choosing fear based living and celebrated with those willing and choosing to set their cells free. It’s not easy setting boundaries but it allows everyone involved to feel what they need to in order to make the healthier decisions and maintain peace of mind. So wherever your family is at and whatever struggles you’re facing know you’re not alone and life may be a bit more demanding along with taking more time to reach goals when you’re not willing to manipulate, steal, copy, half-ass, and sell yourself out for a quick fix or idea of success or achievements. This will be worth it as you create sturdy foundations and stick to your core values, your patience will pay off.
New Year/Renewed View Journal Prompt
A very simplistic question we can prompt ourselves to begin to unravel the well of information
Do I choose image over my own imaginatION?
Listen willingly, don’t take anything personally ( it’s all bigger picture, heighten the view ), go up the energetic elevator and sit with the uncomfortable feelings that may arise as you are given new perspectives of past memories, and ask why why why why, what, where, how, and be the curious mammalian and ignite the 5 year old child like wonderment - get to know yourcellves!
Namaste 🙏