We all have our own New Year’s Eve traditions. Some like to go all out on the town, while others opt for a small gathering at home. Most people view New Year’s Eve as a chance to release their inhibitions before those goal oriented resolutions kick in, which is common in our society. However, it should be a time to take a stand against imbalanced, unhealthy attachments, distractions, numbing agents, addictions, and unhealthy habits and relationships from our lives so that we don't take them into the new year.
It is a time to release all fear and false beliefs that hold us back from our true selves. When we falter back into these less than patterns and unhealthy choices, it is easier to fall into cycles and patterns we have worked hard all year to rid ourselves of. One misstep leads to another, and we can go down the rabbit hole without catching ourselves and giving ourselves the sweeter, more gentle lessons to evolve through our lives. More than anything, the new year is a reminder of the passage of time and energy, which is the rate at which we allow our ideas, thoughts, feelings, and actions to flow.
If you feel like you're not where you should be at this stage or age, that's a huge sign from your heart that you're not, and that's okay. You have the power to change that. With your will, there is always a way. You just have to clear the air and communicate with yourself to get aligned and conscious healthy ideas and thoughts to drive real feelings and actions to bridge the gap between the person you've been and who you desire to become. Dec. 31st/Jan. 1st can be a painful realization, a chance to start anew, or a nostalgic day for some.
Wherever you are at on the final holiday of the year, there's no denying that your beliefs will influence the way you choose to celebrate, live, create, and connect with the collective consciousness. Allow this time to self-reflect on your choices and where you made life harsher or easier for yourcellves in 2023 so that you may take these learned lessons into 2024 with a higher perspective and not repeat cycles, habits, and unhealthy patterns!