New Moon in Capricorn + 111 Portal
Greetings to all the wonderful people out there! With the arrival of the New Year, it's time to welcome the much-awaited 1/11 portal of 2024. This year promises to be full of karmic justice, so if you've been putting in efforts to improve yourself and trusting your intuition more than your logical mind during times of uncertainty, you're likely to receive many blessings in the present moment. Capricorn teaches us the importance of perseverance and forward motion, so don't take this as a sign to sit back and wait for your karmic rewards to come to you.
Instead, realize that as you take aligned steps towards your goals, with a strong conviction to serve the greater good, you'll manifest good karma at a faster rate, especially if you've been working on healing your imbalances and improving yourself. This is because the past few years have allowed major issues to surface, roots to be shaken, and moral beliefs to be tested and redefined. So, let's embrace this new beginning with positivity and enthusiasm!
In numerology, the number 111 is believed to represent a fresh start, which is perfectly aligned with the energy of the new moon. If we focus more on connecting with our inner selves, and consistently taking time to look inward, we can gain a deeper understanding of the bigger picture. By doing this, we can see beyond the superficial aspects of our experiences and approach life with a renewed perspective and a fresh outlook on our creations. It's important to remember that we are constantly manifesting our reality, whether we are aware of it or not.
Looking ahead in the year 2024, we have the opportunity to experience significant personal and collective growth. The new moon in Capricorn and the 111 portal are both powerful celestial events that have the potential to bring about positive changes in our lives. This is an ideal time to set new intentions and work towards achieving our goals. By using the energy of this cosmic alignment to our advantage, we can manifest abundance, love, and success in our lives. It's a time to healthily process and let go of past failures and focus on the opportunities that lie ahead.
So let us embrace the energy of the new moon and the 111 portal, and use it to create the life we truly desire. Remember, the universe is always conspiring in our favor, and with the right mindset, anything is possible. So let's step confidently into the future and make it a year filled with growth, abundance, and joy!