I woke up in a euphoric state because these last few months have been fucking bonkers, it felt amazing; despite being soaked in sweat, disconnected from my physical body, with a pounding mind's eye, achy muscles and joints. All my energies had scattered about during my slumber healing; releasing, exploring all realms, all time, all space, all universes real or imagined, known or unknown, to process what no longer serves me; as I ascend into my next level of awakening into my truth, my gifts, my mission during this massive cosmic shift of consciousness.
I began to travel in thought through my years on Earth this far and putting it rather simply, it has been a fucking challenging 27 years. Growing up in low-income housing, the black sheep everywhere; home, school, with a sad-lost single mom parenting three children, a bitter-woman hating father, moving home to home, school to school, two parental divorces, handfuls of deaths, abuse of all nature, battling illness, walking away from death, losing friends as I transcended, awakened into my designed destiny, finding out I'm a highly sensitive intuitive channel, medium, a light-working earth angel who talks to and sees dead people, energies. I know, feel, see, absorb, and heal others thoughts, feelings, emotions, and traumas. All while wondering if I'll end up in a straitjacket. These were just a few of the memories flashing in my stream of consciousness.
Now everyone, I know truly has a story that can break your heart, and a lot have had it far worse than I have. I'm not looking for sympathy, nor am I playing the victim. I know it couldn't be any other way, and my suffering, lessons, and experiences have crystallized into a talisman of wisdom I now share with others to inspire. I am to be the example, the living proof that we can come out on the other side, fucking glowing and empowered from these challenges. If only we all took the time, and put in genuine effort into getting to know one another on a deeper level instead of just scraping the surface, casting judgment and hate, only in fear of what others will think of us. If we show our true colours, step away from the status quo, reset old belief systems, disregard society's conditioning and stop hiding all the truly inspiring stories we pack away and label baggage, failure, and grief, I believe we could change the world, one awakening soul at a time.
This morning I'm filled with gratitude. I'm thankful for all the amazing people I have attracted into my life from shining my weird ass little light so bright they could find me, and for those who stuck by my side, never once wanting to commit me to a mental hospital. Well maybe they thought about it, considered it a possibility, but they didn't. I'm thankful to those who've come into my life supporting and helping my mission; our indigo mission to awaken and raise the collective consciousness of our human race, as we've lost the love component, forgotten the pinnacle of this human experience, become hard, closed off, and desensitized. I mean come on, just look around. With so much tragedy and hate being spread, it's not hard to see or feel. There are so many dependent on what others think of them; what they wear, think, say, do. They become carbon copies of one another.
So this morning in my euphoric state of bliss I want to say, "THANK YOU, THANK YOU THANK YOU, AND I LOVE THE SHIT OUT OF ALL OF YOU"! You all know who you are, or I hope you do, and if not I'm going to make it my goal to express my love for each and every one of you! I am working on expressing my truest feelings, a part of one of my many lessons and karma to reverse here. I also say, "THANK YOU" to my challengers, my skeptics, and my naysayers. Believe it or not my immediate family fall under this category, and with no support you have all taught me strength, and the ability to rise above and step into my personal power. I now know to trust myself. I know you were/are fearful, "How could Stacey be that powerful, this isn't real, she's making things up?" Even as I laid dying in a hospital bed back in December 2013 and have now reversed my WHOLE HEALTH I still receive doubt and scrutiny. The truth is, you are all powerful far beyond your human mind can comprehend, I just figured it out a little earlier in this lifetime for it is a part of the contract I created, I chose this.
Times are a changing people. We are entering the new age of art, creativity, love, sex, surrendering, joy, play, bliss, oneness, compassion and acceptance for all. Remember the Andy Warhol era of the "Love Revolution"? Well it's comparable, but on a wholeeeeeeee other level, vibration. What does not vibrate at the same frequency of love must go. If we do not do our part as humans in letting in and letting go of what does not vibrate at the frequency of love, then we face ailments, illnesses, suffering, and loss. Love is sooooo high vibrational, it's the magical nectar of our soul.
Believe it or not we are a light in a meat covered skeleton. We are using this physical vessel to play out the life contract we designed, and to learn the lessons we planned; alongside the other souls we formed contracts with to teach, challenge, and guide us along in this "Earth School" so that we may live out our dharma (souls purpose), and reverse karma (what you put out, you attract back) that has built up in our cellular memory from lifetimes, and decades of stored and suppressed fear. We are here to relearn forgotten hobbies, talents and spiritual gifts as they bubble to the surface, ready to be awakened, and to use them as wisdom to help others and heal Mother Earth and all her inhabitants.
It's time to be the love and spread the love! I received this mantra through a past life regression I performed on a client, who is also one of my soul sisters and a member of my soul family (You know when you meet a soulmate. There is an instant feeling of attraction, comfort, and ease. "I just love that person, there's something about him/her" Or there is an instant hatred, dislike, "That person gives me bad vibes." takes over as your soul recognizes and remembers the individual and the contract we created together to grow, evolve, and remember who we were.). During this past life regression, we were visually shown through our mind's eye (third eye, pineal gland, spiritual sight, clairvoyance - a gift that must be practiced or healed if blocked) our life together as a Merplem (what Merpeople evolved from). Yes, I believe in mermaids. All fairy-tales are memories of lifetimes, universes, and realms that exist in different dimensions. My previous blog spoke of this, relating it to a television. You turn the TV on and you are viewing one channel, but you are aware there are other channels. We are tuned into the Earth channel but that doesn't mean other dimensions do not exist; we just simply are vibrating too low to tune into other channels. Similar to a radio station frequency if you aren't on 102.3 you won't hear it. This wild lifetime was on the universe Aquarisize, an underwater world, long before the time of dinosaurs. In this world, the love component did not exist amongst our species, but myself, Pearl, Julia my sister (a client in this present life), and Martine our auntie (other client in this present life) all contained this component of love. The rest of the species, including members of our immediate family feared us, or were jealous, unsure of what this "love" was. It was our mission to share and teach it to others, just as that is our mission now. These two women have changed my life. To bear the intensity of the mission we've been given, we use humor and laughter; constantly joking about padded walls and straitjackets. But truly at our core, there is a feeling of peace, as we just "know" this is what we chose long before coming to Earth.
So out of my pure joy, vibrating excitement, state of gratitude, and mission to inspire others to, "Be the love, spread the love!" tell me what you are grateful for this morning! When one practices gratitude we begin to pave the pathway for this to happen more naturally. We do this so that we can transcend from depression, anger, fear, anxiety, and illness, into a heightened emotional intelligence and state of joy, compassion, acceptance, peace, and love. Through our practice it becomes much easier to live in this state of consciousness, and THEN that's what we put out into the world (karma), and will attract back through people, experiences, and opportunities that match this similar frequency/vibration.
There will always be highs and lows, the cycles of life that exist within us and nature. But we truly can learn, key word learn, as we've got many blockages to work through. It took us this long to fuck shit up. Now it's going to take time and practice to reset and respond to these challenges/cycles with ease, grace, and gratitude, for they bring lessons of growth.
I ask a favor from you all this morning. At one point today, say in your mind or out-loud three things you are grateful for. You may feel stupid, or silly, or can't think of anything, and this my friend is your sure sign you've lost the love component and that's okay! We've been so strongly conditioned to live in a state of constant fear that most of us are unaware of it, just like I was THREE years ago. I kid you not, through this practice and shift in perception I've changed my whole life! In return I will share a truth, divine information I have access to.
On September 22nd a huge energetic portal is opening, and what doesn't vibrate at the component of love must go. Some of you are aware of its effects building up, but have no idea what the fuck is going on, feeling out of sorts, disconnected, lost, angry, and anxiety-ridden, seeming as though you are living in your own version of hell. There have been break-ups, deaths, and suffering. But you have come out of the wood work seeking guidance and answers, as the law of attraction has guided you through my doorway. This is why I have gone through all that I have; life challenges, facing death. This has all lead to my awakening a few years ago, so that I can help you to see the truth, the root of your suffering and begin to heal.
If you are comfortable sharing or would like the invitation to step out of your comfort zone, to speak your truth, begin your awakening, please comment below and spread your truth, your LOVE. What are you grateful for today? <3
#rEVOLution #earthangel #awakening
"Be the love, spread the love"
Pearl & Namastacey (~*~)