I don't lift, I don't aerobic, I don't power flow, I don't squat, I don't "exercise". All which use to consume a large portion of my energy as I strived for that Victoria Secret body, Brazilian butt lift, sexy legs in 6 weeks, 4 weeks to your summer bod, some of us women can secretly admit we've longed for or I can anyways. Even being a tiny girl, I still had my "chub" days, standing in-front of the mirror pinching my thighs, wishing for my boobs to be bigger, and wanting that fucking thigh gap. I loved food, still do and ate probably healthier than most raised by a physically active, health conscious mama bear. We were just unaware the level of sensitivity my vessel was. I haven't posted a lot of things about nutrition, exercise, food yet but I felt it was time to touch base on this subject. I eat only fish, fruit, and veg nothing else. Nothing manufactured, processed in any form of bottle or package. This has had it's challenges as our tastes buds have grown so accustomed to fabricated tastes and straight up poison for our systems. During a portion of my illness for a month straight all my body could eat was pureed chicken, think about that for a second; a smoothie of blended bone broth and free range chicken FML. As I have to tell my clients some of their sensitivities to dairy, grains, red meat, etc. and hear the moans and groans, "It's so hard, what do I eat then". Trust me I know the struggle I've lived it! Once I began learning about energy and reversing my health I was able to introduce foods back into my body with a completely clear palate experiencing the taste of real food and it's deliciousness not smothered in processed sauces(ketchup was my fucking jam my family would joke, "You want some meat with that ketchup"). I give thanks everyday to my journey and all the wisdom it has brought me in rounding out the knowledge I can share with my clientele. I switched my "live to eat" perception to "eating to live" what you put in your body plays a massive effect on your moods, sleep, emotions, body image, all which contribute to how you respond to your day to day life.
My previous body image and idea of beauty was skewed due to constant scrutiny over my weight throughout my years, "She'd be hotter if she gained 10 pounds" a "popular" high-school boy once said, or when I was pushed into a swing set, "Maybe now your boobs will swell up" a fellow grad six boy said as he shoved me, "A walls not even jealous of you" my fellow classmates and girlfriends teased" or my first day of high-school as I walked past some older girls and they shouted, "Gross!" at my tiny frame I had absolutely no control over at age 13. This judgement continued on into my illness when I was hospitalized 2013 unable to eat any food as my immune system crashed, intestines became leaky, my blood poisoned rejecting any food as foreign causing severe reactions; reactive arthritis, eruptions of rashes all over my eyes/face/arms, chronic fatigue, just to name a few. With little to no help by our Western Health in understanding what the root of my illness was their thoughts "She's got an eating disorder" as I laid their hooked up to an IV pumping steroids into my already weakened immune system.
Some of you are aware of my story leading up to creating my business Sage and Center: Yoga, Health, & Healing and some are not. I did not just wake up one day and think,
"Oh, let's trick the world and manipulate people into thinking I'm something I'm not; a medium, Lightworker, earth angel here to raise the collective consciousness of our human race. Why on Earth would I put myself in a position to be judged, doubted, mocked, talked about even more than I have already endured in my life if I wasn't 100% in truth knowing who I am and what my mission is here in this plane, in this lifetime. There was a lot of challenges and chapters of my existence contributing to how I came to these realizations and why I am so passionate about helping others and spreading the truth of our human experience here on Earth.
I wrote my first blog Stacey's Health Story with the push and guidance from a dear friend who wanted to help me find answers to why I was deteriorating back in January 2014. It's a lengthy one but I invite you to read it to better understand me, my story, and how far one can come with a shift in thought and perspective on life here on Earth. I suggest a big bowl of stove-top popcorn, drizzled in coconut oil, sprinkled with nutritional yeast, sea salt, cracked pepper, and a squirt of fresh lime as you may just find a way to relate, a deeper understanding for this "crazy little weirdo" I so love now(keyword "now"), or similarities within your own struggles.
Stacey's Health Story
January 3, 2014
Post Hospital Discharge
I plan to write a blog in response to this old version of myself and acknowledge her suffering, pain, ignorance as she truly did not know better. Conditioned by society lacking the knowing of how seriously intelligent our bodies are, the mind-body-soul connection, my soul's purpose, and the energetic system that play a huge role in the harmonization of our physical, emotional, and mental health.
I have learned the harm one can do to their physical, emotional and mental body by wishing things to be different than what they are in any circumstance; weight, relationships, family, finances, etc. Our thoughts are the driving force behind our state of consciousness and what frequency we are vibrating at creating our whole reality. When I cook now I am very mindful to be putting only the highest thoughts into my meals as the prana(life force, energy, chi, ki) flows into my ingredients. Ever heard the saying or expressed yourself, "This meal was made with love!" you can just taste that goodness, the higher vibration of the food when ones thoughts are intending to please the consumer is what your are experiencing. This also relates to my form of "exercise" for my physical body and the way I view my body.
As I previously mentioned I don't "workout". l simply tune into my mind, body and soul and ask what she would like to do for MOVEMENT my replaced word for "exercise" and a way to express, heal, harmonize the layers of my composition. I let her move, play, swim, dance, swirl, twirl, walk, jaunt, skip, paddle board, hike, jump from rock to rock, bike ride with the pure intention of nurturing and honoring her in a far more compassionate, accepting, emotionally intelligent approach then which we have been conditioned to believe is healthy for our vessel.
As a former competitive gymnast, cheerleader, highly energetic being my old approach of power yoga, aerobics, and weight-lifting to get that high, rush of endorphin's, fuck yea I just killed that workout, no longer resonated as these all played a role and contributed to my Yin deficiency(which 99.9% of our world suffers from), declining health, insomnia, arthritis, depression, anxiety and imbalances within my energetic system, mind, body, and soul. When I catch myself wishing for my body to be different, I clear, cancel and delete that thought and affirm to self, "I am my body, I am not my body". Taking it once step further and physically writing on my scrutinized area the words, love, acceptance, joy. Positive words can alter the chemistry of a water molecule to a higher vibration, (and we humans are something like 86% water, cool hey!) and with changing nothing else in my movement or Staceyatarian(my eating lifestyle) I notice the area shift and change. So grab that marker or pen even choosing a specific color helps; pink - love and romance, blue - clarity and communication, orange - harmony and desire, green - health and healing, white - general protection, purple - spiritual protection with your intention and state of consciousness most important of simply loving yourself just the way you are in the present moment.
Truth. The other day I broke down I was craving a rice bowl so I made one up completely ignoring the urgent guidance of my angels and guides, "Don't do it!" With what one can perceive as a rather ruthless lesson from them, waking up the following day with what felt like the worst fucking hangover known to mankind, a pounding third eye, blurred vision, achey muscles and joints, as I received answers tapping into source to become mindful what the pain was from, "Showing you what you shouldn't do". Now this may sound extreme, you ate rice, but that's how fucking sensitive I truly am. Now you know why I don't drink or attend a lot of social functions, I absorb everyone's, everything's lower vibrations and they fuck me up! I need an extremely clear channel to heal you on the Quantum, Soul level my physical vessel is able too. I accept my mission here. Which trust me hasn't been easy and can be fucking scary as hell even still, I had no clue what was happening in the beginning with my health failing and had to figure it out basically on my own. That said, it's also so comforting and peaceful for I have always known there must be more to life. I have surrendered my human free-will up to the higher power and experienced many extraordinaire life blessings since my awakening from stepping into my powers. I kid you not, it is my mission to lead by example and to be a channel to heal Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. I chose this long before coming to Earth, signed and sealed the contract and I wouldn't want it any other way. When I'm not aligned with my mission and truth...well we know what happens my body starts to deteriorate as it can not function at a lower vibration and I physically, emotionally and mentally start to die.
I hope this reaches you well as I am NOT casting judgment on those who do any of these activities I have listed, just simply aiming to enlighten y'all and help others who might be suffering as I once was. You are all my teachers in this Earth School, and I recognize and acknowledge the light in each and everyone of you!
Blessings to yea Babes,
Namastacey out (~*~)