Spoonful of Staceyism - Intuition Development 🌚✨👁
When we effort, push, control, try we swim against the natural current, the organic flow of life. Just show up, turn inward, ask higher-self, "What should I focus on today?" Allow your instrument to respond. It may come as an instant knowing, gut feeling, vision in your mind's eye, a thought. Trust this response before the trained egoic voices jump in, "You're making this up," insert doubt and fear. Practice building this relationship with the divine intelligence in which you were created, your mind-body connection, your intuition ✨
Don't look up at this huge mountain of life with fear, and dread at the journey ahead, become the river that flows around the mountain, adapt to what is present, be in the now 🙏
"FULL MOON rising in earthy Capricorn today teaches us to persevere, release our fears and ground ourselves into the fertile Earth that holds us."
For ways I cope during the moon phases check out the link to my blog/Moon Feels 🌚
Much health, much wealth, much love to you all <3
Namastacey (~*~)