Spoonful of Insight

Workshops & Seminars - Attending and giving speeches is part of your spiritual path and purpose. Be open to teaching and learning.

The Angels have been sending you intuitive messages about attending and giving workshops, seminars, and speeches. They've now sent this oracle cars to you so you'll know that you are hearing your Angels' messages about this topic. 
If you've been dreaming about giving a workshop or a speech, the Angels will guide you through the process. Give any worries, thoughts, concerns, or questions to them; and then listen to their replies, which will come to you as ideas and feelings. The Angels will help lead you to the right venue, topic, and audience members. All you need to do is follow their guidance. 
You're also guided to attend workshops to further your spiritual path and education. Enroll in classes that you feel drawn too, and Archangel Raphael to support everything in this endeavor- including tuition fees, transportation, lodging, time off from work, babysitting arrangements, and so forth! The way is clear for you to give and receive through the workshop process. Enjoy!

[Angel Therapy, Oracle Cards, Doreen Virtue]

Namastacey (~*~)