The grass may appear greener on the other side but watch out for the pricks.
Paradise is not a place it is a state of consciousness. Learn to love the journey. Embrace what you deem as failure as a part of the process and your only goal should be to focus on what you're doing and not on attaining something. If you want to make the Universe laugh, make a plan. The natural rhythm of divine order will show you who is in control of the details.
Universe provided me with the opportunity to release underlying control issues recently. Over the course of the last four months I attempted to clutch tightly on the steering wheel directing my life. Effort-ing, controlling, thinking things needed to be different. This left me burnt out, feeling dissociated, and disconnected. A reminder I was not in line with my truth but an experience to release what was suppressed and blocking me from it. When I let go of expectations, preferences, attachments, and the need to control I left space for life to flow organically. When I set a goal to live presently in a state of gratitude and do that, than I am achieving my goal every moment.
For the present is all that exists everything else is merely a fantasy. Just the same as thinking a particular location, person, job, vacation, pet, material possession will provide long-term happiness fantasizing how much greater your life will be once obtaining.
Simply affirm to self just for today I am happy. Begin to live in this state of consciousness a choice you always have
Namastacey (~*~)