Spoonful of Staceyism - s e l f e x p r e s s i o n

So it's no secret I have been all over the map, but just like each and everyone of you I am a student of life weaving my way through, riding out the ebb and flow, learning to love/accept myself, and letting go of what no longer serves me :)

Recently I was given a huge lesson in... CONTROL. As most of you know I was stationed in Estevan offering classes and my services at my home business. Then I altered my course, effort-ed, created change that knocked me off my true path. I had the need to sell all my belongings and travel the world. Ignoring every intuitive sign, even my physical body reacting trying to warn me of what I was about to do and how I was going about it. Previously in life I have chosen unconscionably the harsher route. This has been beneficially to me as I have learned many lessons from those experiences but I am consciously now trying to attract gentler life lessons by listening to the guidance of my intuitive higher self. But with old patterns as comforts I failed to see I was repeating a previous lesson and set out on my mission. I felt the need once again to change my course of action and traveled to Yandara-Yoga to further my knowledge in my own practice. Again, feeling like I needed to do this efforting, creating change.

Now that I have arrived back and the blinders are off I can totally see the silliness of my ego mind. To bring this all together prior to selling everything I had a sacred place, a successful business, and the most loving clientele. I was being presented with opportunities to get my business online, an abundance of clientele booking in, selling my homemade potions, and truly being given the opportunity to grow as a spiritual leader. Everything I had before is exactly what I want now but "I" needed to change it! What a beautiful lesson the universe provided for me. Allowing me to dig deep and release my attachments to control, strengthening my ability to accept things as they are and deepening my trust in the natural flow of the universe. I am very aware had I listened to my intuition in the first place I would have saved a lot of time, money, and energy that said had I stayed another lesson would have been given to me down the road to ignite the release of my control issues. I had to leave to learn, this I can now accept.

The lesson here is we try to control, push, effort in our lives but when we walk in our truth responding to the guidance of our higher self we will attract the most loving and gentle life lessons. If it is for your highest good and all involved opportunities will organically come into your life. Approach these as heaven sent and pay attention to your ego based emotions reacting instead of your higher self responding. We humans get in the way of our own success and joy. We have attachments to how we think it should be, or expectations of how we want it to be and we doubt our capabilities. We tell ourselves things like I am to old, I am not smart enough, and I could never do that etc. or think we need something else entirely different. Have you noticed sometimes when you get exactly what you have wanted you are not satisfied? Within obtaining that goal, you are already on to the next thing? We humans do not take the time to turn inward and listen to our higher selves guidance. We act off our egoic mind's desires and pleasures providing us short term happiness, an instant gratification that does not last and loses it's appeal.

When we follow the higher self we will begin to take intelligent risks and go on and do things people never thought we could, things we never thought we could. It might not happen in the way our ego mind would expect or attach itself too but it will ignite the life you designed for yourself. Your dharma, your truth, your soul's unique path! We always have a choice and there is no right or wrong. Whatever choice you make will play out on your timeline and at any time you can shift the path you are on by taking responsibility for your part, accepting where you are at and trusting it served it's purpose for the time being. I am choosing to be in Estevan right now offering my services and creating my online empire! Thank you for taking the time to read I appreciate each and everyone of you, you are all my teachers.

My missions is to ignite the light in each and everyone of you!

Namastacey xo