Spoonful of Staceyism - E m p a t h

Have you ever wondered why people who are strangers or people you hardly know open up to you and share their most trusted thoughts? Do you have an instant connection with animals? Are you unable to watch violence, cruelty, or tragedy on television or in the movies because your soul just can’t bear it? Do you have an instant knowing about the character of the people you meet upon first meeting them? Are you highly spiritual and find the physical world and everything in it heavy? Are you often tired and have physical ailments that cannot be medically explained? If you answered, “yes” to any of these questions you may be an “empath.

Empaths are people who are highly sensitive to the energy and the emotions of the people, animals, and sometimes even the spiritual imprints that exist around them. Some are even sensitive to the energy of plants. This extreme sensitivity applies to the familiar as well as the unfamiliar; people we are intimately close with and total strangers. We experience the world around us and feel what other people are feeling through our extraordinarily heightened senses and keen intuitions. We often internalize the feelings of others without being aware we are doing it and interpret those feelings as being our own.

In our linear world we have given titles and qualities to that we are experiencing and can not understand. Anxious and introvert being the two I have experienced. As I too 'suffered' through a multitude of challenges before my awakening into the understanding of my Empathic Self. I grew up with a knowing there was more to life than that in which I was being shown but was strongly trapped in the limitations of my conditioning's, karma, society, fear based egoic mind. 
If you like me are empathic, you have a mission as a human to step into your power. Anxiousness can simply be our physically body communicating to us. I aim to aspire all awakening empaths to find their truth and to learn how to take care of their super magical empathic selves. Is it time to step into your power?

Let me be the light that ignites your kindling inner excitement, your awakening, your truth.

(~*~) Namastacey xo