Spoonful of Staceyism - B e Y o u r s e l f

We are told from a young age to be yourself, but as we grow one becomes more aware of how we are pressured/conditioned into being that one person everyone else wants us to be. 

That girlfriend.
That best friend.
That sister.
That daughter.
That adult.
That mom. 

When one comes to the realization that they are responsible for their own life and begins to accept responsibility one can begin to live in their truth and manifest the reality in which they truly desire. 

We always have a choice and we let other people make these decisions for us or fail to decide. Doing nothing is also a choice. We fail to make choices because we lack in clarity, trust, and confidence. The emotion that holds us back from being ourselves and taking responsibility for our choices is fear. Fear of failure, fear of disappointment, fear of looking silly, fear of pain, etc. We label experiences as good or bad, we place preferences, I like this/I don't like that. We set unrealistic expectations. We attach ourselves to a certain plan/outcome. 
Essentially, we humans get in the way of our own divine power, highest truth and being just that ourselves.

"Don't change so people like you. BE YOURSELF and the right people will l o v e the real you."

(~*~) Namastacey xo