Spoonful of Stacey - Lessons, Blessings, & Birthdays

Bday weekend complete! We had an adventurous time frolicking around Moose Jaw, running into so many conscious & awakened souls:::whether they were a store owner, server at a restaurant, or a beautiful babe sitting next to us at the coffee shop ---their was no uncomfortable, forced small chat. Conversations went real and deep right off the bat. It felt as though we were walking magnets attracting those who would benefit from our story and how we live consciously while simultaneously receiving such love, acceptance, & openness learning through their experiences. To look at every person I see or meet as my teacher was one of the many life enchanting lessons I accumulated while spending time under the teachings of, Mercy Ananda, a women I will forever adore, admire and aspire to emulate. I long for connections, sweetness, & kindness in a world where we can treat each other so nasty. In a world where you smile at someone and they quickly look away. In a world where you walk into a restaurant and have two girls glaring, starring, and whispering about you. That happened just last night. Johny and I had a bite to eat at Brown's Social House before departing from the city. A risk in itself as dining out can be quite the ordeal for both myself and the server. As well as being amongst that many people.....it's a lot of energy. My body will only take in the highest vibrational foods and it shows me in several ways when I haven't. I also act as a sponge for those amongst me absorbing and transmuting lower vibrations into higher frequencies (something that took me years to solve/understand). This can be draining/exhausting but now that I know how to tend to my sensitive and energetic self it's manageable. I just have to live a different lifestyle then most and it's one I've grown to love.

As we indulged the night prior I was already reacting. I woke up with rashes/blotchy skin all over my face, moody, and puffy under eyes all symptoms/signs my body gives me showing me what not to do. As I consciously made the decision to dip my seafood in butter, drink a glass of wine on my lovers bday, and smoother BBQ sauce all over some fried up wings seriously enjoying every second of it, I knew not to complain as this contributes to lower vibrations and the human pleasure far outweighed the pain... at the time. I felt a little down about the reaction (but in no way surprised) as we were to spend the day adventuring around and wanting to look my best for my boy. I chugged water, sent myself love/acceptance and owned my choice knowing if I went to down the victim, self loathing road I'd make it worse.

We were able to find an option at Brown's that was close to our regular way of eating with a few substitutions to cater (we make everything from scratch, and intuitively ask and listen to what our bodies are needing to function at their optimal intelligence). We snacked and chatted while I joked to Johny, "I should leave my number at the girls table". Now normally I wouldn't jump to conclusions but they made their stares and snickers quite obvious. Something I'm grown quite use too overtime and now later life putting myself out there in a different way; through my career(life's purpose), lifestyle, and the way I present myself. It was time to leave and after slamming a liter of water I visited the girl's room to release before the trip home. As I was leaving my stall when one of the snickering girls walked into the bathroom. I felt completely compelled to compliment her. They were both beautiful recognizably so, but through my experiences it tends to be an insecurity of us women to judge others we find beautiful, taking a hit at any minor trait. Is it so others won't find them as attractive? Is it because we don't find ourselves attractive?

As a girl who is still battling my own insecurities working through social conditioning I could answer yes to both. I've been apart of "the girls" taunting and casting judgement on others. This was years ago and I've since learned and awakened to the root of this existence, the ability to be so nasty/judgmental. It makes me quite sad now to experience this happening as I know it stems from lack of self worth and self love. There's no denying it in my reality and what I've learned. I walked right up to her and stated with complete honesty, "I love your glasses, they look so good on you". Her reaction was adorable startled at first with a endearing shy reply, "Oh, thank you". No tone of snootiness or pretentiousness. I could genuinely pick up she was surprised.

From the beginning of the whispers to the end compliment I witnessed myself grow. My initial insecurities, my high-school self triggered by their stares and whisper (not feeling the best about my appearance as I was reacting from the previous night) to hopefully being a positive example for babes supporting babes. We are all unique and beautiful in our own way. We don't need to tear others down to make ourselves feel better, we simply need to love and accept ourselves just as we are. Through this action we can begin to spread this same love and acceptance to others. It's one of the greatest presents you can give to yourself.

As we payed for the bill our server asked us what we were up to for the night. We explained we were visiting for the weekend and on our way home. She continued asking what we do, and we explained about our business 'Accepting the Divine' and her eyes lit up as she replied, "I love that, it's so different from everyone else". With big smiles and full belly's we thanked her and left. As we walked to the car we reminisced about all the little blessings and lessons we experienced over the last 48 hours laughing we should get out more. Grateful for the details minor and major the Universe presented to us. Grateful to collect memories with my twin flame. And grateful to have our pillow-top bed to comeback too! ;)

Shine your weird light so brighttttttt, & watch as you draw in experiences, people, opportunities that match your vibes, that teach you valuable lessons, and that bring you such blessings!
