How to do your own angel, oracle, tarot card reading <3
Spoonful of Stacey - Angel, Oracle, Tarot Cards
I remember the first time I received a card reading... It was in my reality at that time slightly scary, a little voodooey, and I was certainly a skeptic going into it. I was living in Calgary going through a breakup up, out and about with a girlfriend trying to distract myself from my sorrows at a huge exhibition center. During the reading I straight up broke down, the cards that flipped upwards, and the readings that went along were a shock to my system. I was covered in goosebumps and left shaken up.
Did I listen to the cards obvious truths? No. With my social conditioning wrapping me in a fear based armor I later in the day chalked it up to a coincidence and forgetting the experience, ignoring the cards gentle but relevant guidance. Even after experiencing such sensations in my system provoking tears my harshly conditioned egoic-mind took over.
Fast forward to a few years later during the beginning stages of my light-workers awakening, transformation, during the reversal of my failing health one of my closest friends was contracted back home to work for a period of time. At this point I had studied energy, the universal laws, manifestation, law of attraction believing in them fully as I healed myself through alternative modalities what Western Health Care could not but was still not fully aware of who I truly was and what my purpose on this planet was. The judgement fell not on the readings but of myself thinking, "I could never do a reading on someone" but feeling so drawn to buy my own deck and explore further. My girlfriend making it look easy, not scary, and simply a beautiful way to become mindful or conscious of what to focus on, what's compelling us, what we might not being noticing or aware of... Etc. The readings I received once again dead on, relevant, and soul shaking.
They were a healing tool just like the other forms I had experienced this far on my journey; acupuncture, pemf therapy, yoga, reiki to name a few. All in which I received miraculous results from as I watched my health go from 0-100. I wasn't a complete skeptic to alternative methods but I was certainly conditioned to go to a Doctor, you get your prescription, you get better. But after years of not getting better, never finding the root issue, and slowly deteriorating, the final straw being age 25, hooked up to steroids in the hospital during Christmas with considerations of taking me to the states for immediate attention, I was willing to try anything. You can read furthermore of the beginnings of my health story here:
I wasn't always a "spiritual" person growing up. Baptized and confirmed a Roman Catholic with very religious Grandparents but I had a block towards the word God and the definition it has now been given by so many organized religions. What resonated with me the most as I explored alternative methods was everything is energy. God in my reality is an energy, a higher vibration, frequency. Everything started to make sense, more sense than the mundane knowledge we receive in formal education. My life started to piece together like jigsaw puzzles. All of my trials and tribulations lead me to uncovering exactly who I was. Through an abusive relationship ending and failing health worsening I realize know this was my huge catalyst, as we call it my awakening that began my "spiritual" journey.
I purchased my first Angel Deck. Self-doubt trickled in as I lacked the ability to shuffle correctly and lacked trust in my own ability to receive messages. The deck was super informative coming with it's own description of what each card was trying to convey. I played around with it on myself having my mind-blown daily at the accuracy of what I pulled. But it wasn't until my Yoga teacher / Reiki practitioner training in Mexico, November 2014 that I did my first readings on my fellow classmates. As their minds to were blown, this just gave me more validation in what I had learned this far.
I at one point owned close to 20 decks providing readings on my clientele, family, and friends giving them insights into their own individual journey's. They may have doubted reiki, feared cards, skeptics to the whole "spiritual" realm but once they experienced it they couldn't doubt the accuracy of the readings the cards provided. Giving readings was an amazing tool for me to practice my intuition, develop connection to my higher power, stay conscious and aware of what energies I'm working with but this wasn't enough. I didn't see the benefit of keeping this amazing life tool just for myself. I wanted to teach others how to do their own readings. To take away any fear or doubt similar to what I experienced.
This has now transferred over into all areas of my life. As a spiritual teacher and Reiki master it is in our code of conduct to not lord information over any other. This is why I offer Spiritual Mentorship for those going through their own awakening. Teaching them all I have learned so that we collectively can continue to help, heal, and awaken others to their truths. I had people along the way through law of attraction coming into guide me on my journey and felt the calling it was my time to share the intelligence and wisdom I had received/remembered.
So my sisters and brothers grab a deck, take a breath, open your mind and heart to follow along below on my instructive video of how to do your own reading. <3@@wwww kkVisii
Visit my facebook page @Staceyfichter / @acceptingthedivine to view the video <3
Namastacey (~*~)