Spoonful of Stacey - 2016 You've been fucking nuts!
October 20, 2016
Woofta! Anyone else feeling this years been quite the doozey!? So many energy shifts and cosmic combinations stirring up all of our super old, stale, suppressed emotions! It can feel like holy am I taking steps back? Am I stuck? I'm so fed up! Why does this keep happening to me? Fuck everybody! Sound familiar!?
I got so heavy it was all I could do just to put one foot in front of the other recently. Checking out energy forecasts help us understand why we are being compelled and what planetary combinations, powerful moon phases, and eclipses have been promoting within our being. Elizabeth Peru, Doreen Virtue, Forever Conscious, The Goddess Circle are a few I follow on facebook that help to keep me in the know. Trust me, makes me feel far less crazy with this awareness. It won't make the going throughs different but we can shift our perception of what's occurring in and around us with a deeper level of understanding and compassion. Shits shifting and quick! Whatever we are holding on to consciously or unconsciously that is anchoring us back into lower vibrations such as patterns, habits, beliefs, concepts, traumas that no longer serve us are bubbling to our surfaces. What we don't consciously and willingly transmute and release will start to reap havoc on every layer of our being. Your body might be trying to tell you already what's got to go through aches, pains, tension, struggles, uncomfortableness, moodiness, illnesses, etc. And with the huge cosmic shift what you don't willingly let go the universe will pull out from underneath you. It's your choice be flexible, adapt, and transform gently as you listen to the warnings or push against the current making life a lot harsher.
My body showed me loud and clear I was so irritable, tired, achey, my moon cycle was excruciatingly painful, had little patience, didn't want to heal anyone and I shut out the world! But it was needed my body was showing me once again the lack of self care and time I take for myself. An old pattern of mine rising to the surface once again so I could meditate on the root of all the going throughs existence. This lesson I've continually been given over the last year and I'm conscious of it. Conditioning and old patterns like to hold on strong, but I have finally reached my fed up point with myself! I'm the only one responsible for it. And all these crazy energy shifts have helped me to release stored events from my past contributing to my feelings of not being enough, having enough, doing enough. For example; I'll finish a list longer than my arm and still feel unsatisfied with my performance or how much was accomplished. Giving way more of my energy then I allow myself to receive, creating the imbalance within my systems. Therefore, resulting in irrational thinking, moodiness, sluggishness and basically a "fuck everyone and everything attitude" which is soooooo not the true me!
I had my twin flame Johny by my side, my amazing best friend Erica visiting during the last portion of the emotional release brought on by our universe. I felt "bad" for not being able to be the bubbly, spunky, firecracker my bfffff was use to. It had been almost two years since we've physically seen each other but our love, complete admiration and special bond have kept us as close as two peas in a pod, so grateful for that earth angel and the complete genuine friendship she has offered me. Years ago we would have spent the time shopping frivolously, partying, and frolicking about. So apart of me was concerned if she'd still have fun!
When I first started revealing parts of myself I wasn't even aware of were stored within, I had the transition period from my old self to new self and it was tricky! I still tried doing things that use to serve me and found myself in activities or amongst people that just did not resonate with me anymore. It was a confusing time but served it's purpose. I shed away parts of my self external and internal, creating space for the real me to shine through. And through this I've attracted my soul family, heart's desires, abundance, creativity, hobbies and talents I didn't even know I had! I swear it's so fucking cool! :))
I was excited to give Erica the opportunity to grow with me. As not all of our friends will, we all change and evolve on our own time. And some people come in for reasons, seasons or a lifetime to bring us lessons and blessings. We silly humans just hold on to the illusion of loss or attachment, everything is always creating, migrating, changing and learning how to go with this flow brings so much peace and harmony into ones life! So we spent our time together diving deep into the depths of our soul, practicing and learning reiki, cooking intuitive soul food, painting, creating crystal earrings, giving each other card readings, and with Johny included holding space for one another as we went through our individual releases. I slept a lot, a lot haha snuggled in-between my best friend and boyfriend. What a blessing and I thank my angels for providing me that comfort during such a heavy shift.
After a few weeks of holy how long is this going to last, I had a few huge cries, a couple fights, sleepless nights, tired days and then felt the shift! Today I woke up dancing! Twirling and swirling as a maneuvered my way to the kitchen for a dollop of coconut oil to pull and start my morning routine. I feel mentally clearer, physically lighter, and energetically balanced. So my fellow Earth Babes if you're still in it right now, the old, the heavy, wondering wtf is going on, I've got your back and you'll make it through! Take a little downtime for self and look at the parts of your life you are no longer "happy" with! Once you rid yourself of these older vibrations you'll feel much lighter and brighter. Shed that old skin, go in deep, connect you'll make space to soak up the heightened frequencies Mother Earth is now vibrating at! And spoiler alert..... it feels amazing!
Here's an energetical cyber hug to all of you and your going throughs. Just as the greats once said, "We're all in this together".
The teacher and light in me, honor and acknowledge the teacher and light in each and everyone of you,
Humps and kisses,
Namastacey xoxo