Spoonful of Staceyism - Truth Bomb'd

Truth bomb. 

Stacey let her hair down, had a few drinks, and shook her ass with her two besties. As I woke up the ego started to judge why'd you spend money? Why'd you drink alcohol my body can't handle it? Why'd you eat that food, it's against my restrictions? Now I am going to be tired, sore, and sick blah blah blah! Our ego's are nasty! I shifted my thoughts to positive as I thought of the last four months and how hard I have worked, there can not be yin without yang and visa versa. I then stumbled upon this quote posted by Yandara Yoga where I took my Yoga Teacher Training, always giving me the best insight smile emoticon 

"Accept your dark side, understanding it will help you to move with the light. Knowing both sides of our souls, helps us all to move forward in life and to understand that perfection doesn't exist."
- Martin R. Lemieux

Replenish the body, find balance, let go of judgement. 

Namastacey xo