As we enter Pisces season on the 19th, we're reminded that being human is complex. We're comprised of physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and ethereal layers. We are HUE*man beings—-therefore it is profoundly obvious that our chakras, or energy centers, play a crucial role in our system, yet are often overlooked in western civilization, traditional education, health-care, governing institutions, etc.
As we tap into our multi-dimensional selves, we can recognize the cat-like purring in our heart, the playful foolishness of a dog, and the spider's web-weaving creativity within us. We're like the main character in a video game, leveling up and unlocking new abilities. But what's even more fascinating is that our multi-dimensional selves are also comprised of various past lives, each with its unique experiences, cultures, and wisdom.
Perhaps you were a ancient Egyptian priestess, weaving magical spells and incantations to heal and protect your community. Or maybe you were a Celtic warrior, fierce and brave in battle, with a deep connection to the land and the spirits that inhabit it. Maybe you were a Chinese silk trader, navigating the intricate networks of commerce and diplomacy along the Silk Road. Or a Sufi poet, pouring your heart and soul into mystical verses that captured the essence of divine love.
Whatever the case, these past lives have left an indelible mark on our current incarnation, influencing our ideas, thoughts, emotions, and actions in ways both subtle and profound. By acknowledging and embracing these past life experiences, we can tap into the wisdom and knowledge of our collective selves, and unlock new levels of creativity, compassion, and understanding.
In our society, we've become disconnected from our true nature. We've replaced our cellular awareness with cell phone addiction. It's time to reclaim our power and recognize the self-cell phone paradox. We're like a plant that's forgotten its roots, struggling to grow in a world of Wi-Fi.
Our disconnection and separation within, along with unhealed traumas in the reptilian, mammalian, primitive, and celestial aspects, hinder our evolution. The reptilian aspect represents our survival instincts, like the fight-or-flight response that kicks in when we're facing a daunting challenge or a life-threatening situation.
For instance, imagine being a single parent working multiple jobs to make ends meet. Your reptilian aspect is constantly on high alert, ensuring you're providing for your family's basic needs. However, this hypervigilance can also lead to burnout and disconnection from your emotional and spiritual selves.
The mammalian aspect embodies our emotional intelligence, helping us navigate relationships and connect with others on a deeper level. Think of a moment when you had a profound heart-to-heart conversation with a loved one, sharing your fears, desires, and dreams. This vulnerability and openness are hallmarks of a healthy mammalian aspect.
The primitive aspect, linked to the fire element and the mental body, symbolizes our creativity, passion, and thought patterns. Imagine being an artist, completely absorbed in your craft, with ideas flowing effortlessly onto the canvas. Your primitive aspect is firing on all cylinders, driving your inspiration and innovation.
However, when our primitive aspect is out of balance, it can manifest as obsessive thinking, anxiety, or addiction. For example, consider someone struggling with social media addiction, constantly scrolling through their feeds, comparing their lives to others, and feeling empty or inadequate. This is an example of the primitive aspect gone awry. Or someone who changes their persona depending on who they are around, edits their story, alters their experiences, lies to save face.
The emotional body, associated with the water element, represents our emotional depth, relationship with self and others. Have you ever experienced a situation where you had a strong gut feeling, but couldn't quite explain why? This is your emotional body guiding you, picking up on your own and others subtle cues and vibrations that might elude your rational mind.
For instance, imagine being in a relationship where everything seems perfect on the surface, but you can't shake off the feeling that something is off. Your emotional body is picking up on red flags, warning you of potential dangers or imbalances. Ignoring these feelings can lead to painful consequences.
The celestial aspect, connected to the air element, represents our spiritual connection and higher states of consciousness. Imagine being in nature, feeling the breeze on your skin, the sun on your face, and the earth beneath your feet. Your celestial aspect is awakening, connecting you to the vast expanse of the universe and the interconnectedness of all things.
As we tap into our multi-dimensional selves, we become more aware of our thoughts, emotions, and actions. We notice patterns and habits holding us back and begin making changes aligning with our highest selves.
In our daily lives, this might mean taking a few minutes each day to meditate, practicing self-care, or setting healthy boundaries with others. It might mean pursuing a passion project or taking a risk to pursue our dreams.
By embracing our connection to higher dimensions and frequencies, we tap into our true nature and attract energies aligning with our highest selves. Healing our collective consciousness requires reclaiming our power, recognizing our multi-dimensional selves, and breaking free from societal constraints.
Healing our collective consciousness requires reclaiming our power, recognizing our multi-dimensional selves, and breaking free. It's time to evolve our consciousness and tap into our full potential.
As we journey through Pisces season, let's remember that our true nature is multifaceted and complex. By embracing our various aspects and dimensions, we can integrate our selves, heal our wounds, and unlock our full potential.
In the words of Carl Jung, "One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." As we navigate the depths of our own consciousness, let's courageously face our shadows, reclaim our power, and emerge into the light of our true selves.