During the last four months I have been slowly learning the works of running a business. I teach my clients to balance out their own giving & receiving energy but failed to find this within my own life. As I was always bending my schedule to accommodate everyone but myself.
After feeling the effects massively of not allowing self love and me time I have taken control of my schedule. I will be posting an updated availability, session, and cost list to keep everyone in the know.
I recently enjoyed my first scheduled Saturday off by prepping meals in my new home, something I had yet to experience. For the first time in a while I had down-time to allow my
mind to drift, become awakened and aware of who and where I was in the past and how far I have come. As it's hard for us to celebrate our successes, as this is deemed selfish or as showing off in our upside down, fucked up masculine-driven westernized world.
Another challenge we face is revisiting the past, bringing to surface what has been deemed as a failure or bad decision making on our part and to be able to accept these experiences as lessons in life we need guiding us to our highest purpose. We judge ourselves and others so harshly, yet we have been conditioned this way by the old age of behaviors, habits, thinking, parents, and past life traumas. I, myself have put up many walls and blocks with the intention of protection from enduring any more pain. I now know and have discovered the beauty of knocking down these walls and revisiting my inner child, adolescent, and young adult as she deserves to heal and be heard.
Not an easy task as we do an awesome job of blocking a lot of our physical, psychological, and emotional pain in a form of protection, when really we are separating ourselves from the truest version of who we are, our soul. We get comfortable in our armored shells, we may not be happy but we are use to this shield we have created for ourselves. Filled with old thought patterns and behaviors that block the flow of our own energy and steal our power. As we begin to accept all experiences past, present, and future to be happening for us and realize there is a bigger picture that energetically we are all intertwined we begin the process of ascension, releasing lower frequencies of the old age and welcoming the new, creating a new shell to home your soul instead of shield.
Welcome in the change with acceptance and gratitude as the universe releases the old age frequencies moving into the new, you must raise your frequency as well to resonate. Think of a radio station if you're not dialed in you won't vibe. Staying stuck and stagnant in the old energies will lead to emotional, physical, and psychological ailments. The universe responds beautifully when we are bettering ourselves the vibration of the world becomes heightened as we flow with the energetic river of life doing our part to release what no loner serves us. Take the time to revisit and heal parts of you that have been deemed as bad or not good. After all you did that best you could at the time with the environment you were raised, parental conditioning, the schools you attended, experiences you attracted, we don't always know what we need in life so the universe provides us sign posts and lessons to guide us back to our truest, highest self.
Come out of your ego stop reacting from fear, low self worth, anger and breathe into your heart and respond with trust, compassion, and acceptance. Become consciously awakened and you will start to attract gentle life lessons and compassion into your mind, body, and soul. If you hold on to your old frequencies you will attract the same. What you put out is what you get back, karma, that shits real.
Since we carry these blocks it's harder to believe we can achieve happiness as others have. I made the conscious decision to be happy. It is a choice and you have it as well.
I'm not saying the process is easy by any means, I went through my rough ass lows and trust me they were ugly! That said, I wouldn't change a thing from child abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, extreme illness to name a few of my life lessons they have led me to my highest, truest self. The girl I hid from the world out of fear of judgment and low self worth is now a Reiki Master Teacher, Yoga Teacher, PEMF Therapist, creator of Sage and Center: Yoga, Health & Healing and one bad ass spiritual leader and teacher. Yay me :)
Step into your power people, release the need to know the answers, accept all life lessons as loving and joyous and for fuck sakes smile your breathing ;)
Ps. These pictures are shy of one year apart :) I now live my life where I can express freely and proudly all faucets of my being!