Spoonful Of Self-Awareness Part II
In looking at our parents and at our own willingness, we are able to comprehend more about the structure and function of every cellular component. In these ways, we become the complete expansion of their cellular make-up, and become a new bloodline they make as they construct their X and Y chromosomes. This is also a crucial step in evolution for the human species. As the soul is infinite and has many lifetimes, we must significantly expand our awareness of the history of the species and universe in order to fully grasp and connect back to original consciousness the direct source from which we come. We are stuck in the ramifications of the splitting and union of our original consciousness, or as we call it, the beginning of time (energy). This is where our imbalanced beliefs about our cells, self, and experiences originate.
These stuck particles of our being, damaged, neglected, and severed into void, are what require our awareness of our self/soul. As a consequence, they continue to create in our lifetimes, relationships, social structures, and nature experiences that mirror the unhealed ideas (air), thoughts (fire), feelings (water), and actions (earth) from the earliest expansions of original consciousness, and its split into duality, its attempts at creating a playmate the magnetic and electric principles. Bipolar energies exist within each of us. By failing to work together to gather and collect their memories, heal their misunderstandings and imbalances, they create a bipolar relationship within themselves. We experience this self-versus-self opposition as the angel and the devil on our shoulders. Rather than co-creating, the dark ( magnetic ) and the light ( feminine ) battle, compete and compare.
Furthermore, both principles ignore, avoid, and overlook the ideas + actions they do not wish to take responsibility for, which results in the creation of shadow sides. Although I followed my mother's footsteps in many ways, with her expansion I was able to see and want more for myself and to experience more. My attempts to have her relocate, leave the job that was draining her, and end the relationships that stagnated her were unsuccessful; instead, she created a fake reality, an entire life that she felt she could control. In the same manner that they say the devil you know is better than the one you do not, this imbalanced belief, along with many others, allows the idea of fear to manifest, manipulate and control one's entire lifestyle. It is the boogie man in the closet. Help it come to life by brightening its shadow, adding hues and inviting it back into your life. Fear is just the absence of love, love is a representation of the four base elements when working and cohabiting together. In reality, our ideas, thoughts, feelings, and actions are the co-creators of love, or as we commonly refer to it as ENERGY.
It is possible for energy to be fake if the ideas, thoughts, feelings, and actions used to create it lack truth, substance, clarity, and all factors As soon as our actions are driven by fear and not by love, we are in a state of void. It is when we shoot our cells out of our own CENTER, nucleus, and expansions that we are thrown into a dangerous virtual reality of our own and other people's self-serving loveless energies, which can be very tricky, traumatizing, tantalizing, and feel tangible like the boogie man in the closet. This state of avoidance causes the cells to lose their ability to generate their own energy and they begin to search for a host, and become dependent on someone or something for energy, as they are no longer able to generate their own. Pressure is necessary for the cells to crystallize, they cannot charge or change in a complacent state. As a result, they seek other forms of external pressure rather than creating their own energy internally.
An example is a child who is constantly told what to do throughout their lives and how to do it + then having it done for them and never developing true independence, always with something to fall back on, is likely to grow up to need constant parenting from society, relationships, or never be able to let go of the pressure being applied by their own parents. The need for society itself to tell us what is right or wrong, attracting assisted living, predefined rules and ideologies plus controlled realities in place of realizing one's own capacities and purpose to become self-sustaining via one's own ideas and actions. There are many ways you can rely on someone else to motivate you, to boost your confidence or to push you forward... this is all external pressure and you don't give yourself the chance to see your own capabilities and overcome adversity to build confidence and compassion for yourself.
A persona, a relationship, a home, and a life constructed out of fear, comfort, and convenience can seem real until your cells are drawn toward an experience that will wake you up and free them from the neglect. In a sense, you are suffocating your own cells. A situation in which an experience is attracted will always exhibit many signs and symptoms in order to gain your attention along the way in order to prevent a harsher lesson. However, it is the continued avoidance that brings the harsher lesson, the higher self screaming for you to stop and reflect on your actions. If you pop the fear you've created, whether it's in a relationship, in your career, or for the entire duration of your life, you can allow the bigger picture to enter the space and charge your cells, allowing them to function properly. You will experience a complete shift in your perspective on life and what is happening in it. It is here where magick happens.
Magick and luck are both the forms of balanced elements. With our willpower, magick can be created when our elements are in balance. This self-power will enable us to become self-aware and free ourselves of all the false energy and fuel ourselves with the real. Our shadows must be released and our light and dark counterparts must be allowed to play as they originally intended. Experience more, understand and learn what love is and what it is not, and evolve collectively.