November Forecast
November is here and it’s bringing the ch-ch-ch-ch-changes! 11-11-2021 has just passed by, many only saw it as remembrance day but if you look a bit deeper there is so much more to become aware of and take part in this November as the tides get wilder in conjunction to the major shifts happening from within you, to the galaxy + beyond
Let’s start with a simple root understanding, the human brain and all of its systems run much like an organic computer that can be broken down and simplified to binary code, ones and zeros 0101. The code 1111 is specifically linked to DNA awakening. If this number has been “following” you or you hold a previously unexplainable fondness for that code now you can make more sense of it. As our DNA begins its expansion/evolution we will become more aware of physical manifestations as signs of the present energies on clocks, phone numbers, receipts, addresses etc…
Everything in creation is connected so by default everything, I do mean EVERYTHING is interlaced + as the cosmic law of energy clearly states “like energy”/vibration/frequency “attracts like energy”/vibration/frequency. Meaning that NOTHING is everrrrrr a coincidence! Everything in life happens FOR you not TO you, but we must consciously choose to expand our mind’s perspective to become aware and call out these “subtleties” feelings, nudges, shiny ideas, crushy tummy feelings, highlighted names, numbers etc.. that in reality hold more weight than you could imagine. We like to say a subtlety responded to could change your day/life.
This month offers us an energetic concoction including an eclipse season kickoff, a powerful New moon in Scorpio and a Full moon in Taurus to name a few. These energies are here to assist us in wrapping up and bringing closure to those people, places, patterns, habits, relationships + any other energies that don’t support the overall evolution collectively taking place on planet earth right now. Through this eclipse season, those that don’t choose to see the light/ truth/ obvious imbalances/ blunt present (pre-sent energies manifesting the current experiences) those rigid lazy beotches in us all that we must overcome. You know the one that likes to be stubborn and at times will even argue that blue is black, or those that may be “living well” at first glance yet are constantly taking action against their own morals/soul + are attached to the comforts of this “lifestyle” and service to self.
We must ultimately become the captain of our own ship and realize that the management of our reactions + responses is all that MATTERs. Literally a main ingredient in what creates the matter/world around you. Reactivity comes from fear, assumptions, expectations and erroneous beliefs. Responding comes from a place of love, a wanting for growth and truth, a place of conscious creation. To respond means to become aware of all contributing factors in any situation from a place of detachment and trust.
This is an immense opportunity in the midst of the superficial chaos to do everything in our power to dig deep and become aware of what still lingers in our shadows. We must air out, meaning bring truth to ourcellves, forgive ourselves and others, release the grudges/fear/guilt, remember oneness/gratitude/love, release false belief systems and anything else draining us of our energies. Simultaneously we need to shift our outlook on life, recognize the obvious connection we have to our roots/nature/creation/energy and become responsible (response-able, able/willing to respond) moment to moment consciously recreating yourself and the world around you for the greatest good of all. It truly is as simple as that. 1+1=2. give love + release fear = constant giving and receiving of love (love = balanced energies of high quality and quantity).