Spoonful of Stacey ~ Winter Solstice
The long dark days of winter can lead to physical stagnation, fatigue, and hibernation. Solstice makes an auspicious shift in daylight when we emerge from the darkness back into light. In this sequence, we honor the pause before we are called to expand once again.The Earth's magnetic field is heightening in vibration; therefore, our energetic fields will follow suit, and then our physical bodies must match our energetic blueprint in order for ourcellves to charge from mother earth’s source.
Whatever we have stored within us, no longer vibrating with the Earth's magnetic field and our energetic blueprint, the aura will be illuminated, showing us what habits, beliefs, patterns, reactions that will no longer serve us and prevent us from increasing our vibration to resonate with Mother Earth's shifted energy. One must allow the bubbling emotions to surface so they can better understand what is needed to release from their systems to move forward welcoming in new light and life.
This process is required to shed the lower level vibrations anchoring the system in fear or false based information. If not addressed and taken action upon the self will prevent the cells from rising in vibration with mother earth’s electromagnetic pulse. The affects and effects had on one’s self/cell/vessel as a result of not shedding old layers to manage their own cellular vibration and those around them will become quite detrimental over time as the imbalance will grow and their need to host of others will increase.
Affirmation: I am grateful for my expanding mind, my healing body, and my ability to persevere.✨✨✨
Namastacey xoxo