Welcome to CAPricorn season! As we approach the holidays, let us take a moment to reflect on the cyclical nature of the world we live in. Our history has been marked by the recurring themes of control, manipulated conflict, war, and excessive trauma. Many of us are at the point where we feel this old narrative has gone on for far too long, and that there is a dire need for positive changes. Everything in nature indeed follows a pattern of ebb and flow, whether it's the tides, the changing of the seasons, or the cycle of day and night.
Yet, the evolution and expansion of life are meant to bring about productive changes with each passing cycle. Each generation should strive to improve upon the accomplishments of the previous one, learning from the lessons of the past and implementing them in the present to achieve more aligned and fulfilling results. We are currently living in a significant moment in history where every single decision we make, both internally and externally, has a profound noticeable impact on the reality that we collectively share.
This reality is not only recognized by the parasitic families who control more than 98% of the world's finances and corporations, but it is also actively manipulated by them through their practiced control over the media. When you have control over the media, you have the power to influence the ideas, thoughts, and beliefs of those who consume its content, both consciously and subconsciously. This is why the term "influencer" has become so prevalent in modern times - individuals who have large audiences are able to sway public opinion towards certain products, trends, and more by methodically placing information in the public eye to benefit themselves/businesses/agendas, etc... If they implant ideas they can sway your perspective and thoughts, which by default emotes feelings, and ultimately shape the actions + reality you will now create.
This is their process of remote-controlling our HISstory. The majority of us humans have been heavily damaged + are for the greater part extremely lost right now and either seeking for truth or actively numbing and avoiding the internal call to not have to feel the overwhelming wounds of the past and the obvious car-crash we are existentially entering. We need to awaken to the fact that we have been purposely and maliciously misguided, poisoned, traumatized, tricked, herded, lied to, bullied, brainwashed, crippled, emasculated, demeaned, discouraged, and tortured. This is happening to us because by design we are extremely powerful, energetic, creative, biological manifesting A.K.A reality molding machines.
You must become aware of the corruption through your research and gain an understanding of its extremely obvious presence. We then must comprehend the painful + sobering truth that it has all been our own fault and that none of it could have happened without us not only allowing it but even worse supporting it. The awakening to this is bitter-sweet because as infuriating as it obviously is, it is also extremely empowering and ultimately gives us the truth needed to change and end the corruption from the inside out.
There is a great chance you have at some point in your life heard the expression "as above, so below" or "the external is just a projection of what is happening within". These statements are extremely accurate and the bigger picture awareness is that we have been allowing %1-3 of our parasitic, fear-based, wounded, internal fake fire/mentality to bully, control, self convince, damage, and manipulate our decisions. The highly persistent, hardworking + goal-oriented Capricorn in us this season is in conjunction with the expressive Mercury Cazimi and they are here to assist us with major un-capping of the masses and cultivating a massive heart, ( hEART-H ) healing.
The energy present in the final days of 2023 is helping us laser focus on the information needed to healthily reset ourCellves out of this crumbling inner slave-(mental)ity/societal system and restore a much healthier nature/unconditional love-based, truly free, moral rich mentality + soulciety.