Spoonful Of Self-Awareness Part VI
Red flags were raised! Since my business started to gain traction, I have dealt with a few women and men similar to this. She, like the others, desired my business, my clientele, my connections, and she sought to manage me. In the end, she wanted me to use my gifts to cheat and lie through energy to make her quick money. Hence, the horse and pony medium show. As we refused to channel for her lottery ticket numbers, she essentially would say "use your power to manipulate and cheat.". Become the medium who *appears to have all of the answers but who does not even understand their own connection, as opposed to teaching others how to manage their energy and how to intuitively connect, using their own power. What a stupid little girl I was for helping honestly and not taking advantage of others. Essentially, she claimed I had a strong dislike and a fear of money, and that if I continued to tell people about my health journey I was making myself sick...that it was not her cancerous intentions or actions that continued to affect everyone as an insidious virus would. There was always a new hair brain scheme to make quick money, and when we would nicely explain how energy works, she would claim that I didn't like her, did not care about her ideas, and after that, the sob drama mama story would begin.
My genuineness and concern for what's right and wrong, what's balanced, have been repeatedly discredited. A number of individuals have attempted to manage me over the years. We are familiar with the manager versus talent dilemma, which is very prevalent in our society. The individuals who are not willing to create or stretch themselves beyond their comfort zones find the talent who becomes their host, the individual who is willing to grow, expand, and put their feet on the line to convince the individuals that they cannot do it on their own and worse yet, they need them. This implies that they are not capable of self-sufficiency and provision and are not whole. Talented individuals must manage themselves, while managers must develop their own abilities. The conclusion becomes whole, and there is no need for anyone or anything else. Everything you need is available to you to fully and successfully manage and achieve your goals. There are those with a higher magnetic field, and there are those with a higher electric field. This is the light versus the dark within. Through the understanding of our relationships and human nature, we can consciously choose to expand, evolve, and balance our individual beings.
As she continued to enforce her plans and play everyone like a fiddle as well as hoard her dark secrets Johny began to see things more clearly and it became evident even to him how he had suffered for years from her lies and betrayal. Under her care, so many aspects of him were affected by traumas and he fell victim to her con artist, controlling, and criminal mentality. There is no judgement in this, rather this is a deeper understanding of her actions, which are a result of her unresolved traumas. Johnny's desire to break unhealthy chains and patterns was met by her unwillingness to see or admit the truth. As a result of her own upbringing and parental displeasure, she lived in a fantasy-filled movie-like world she created for herself. It would have been possible to prevent so much drama and new trauma if the ego had been able to humbly forgive itself, as that is what is required. We understood that we needed to take great responsibility as well as dive deeper into the past to become aware of what energies are contributing from past generations, family patterns, and soul's experiences that were manifesting contrary to what Johny and I intended and wanted.
As the basis of our contracts and connection to others remains at the four fronts, we know that every individual we encounter has been brought to our attention intentionally, and it is our responsibility to connect to our senses and ask for additional information regarding why this individual and what he or she is contributing to our lives? There should be no assuming, expecting, avoiding, disregarding, or coincidences in energy, in reality. Why is this happening four* me? Instead of separating from the collective, the cell-centred approach, why is this happening to me? In this way we are able to move from a two-dimensional reality, in which only two elements are present, to a four-dimensional reality, in which all four elements are available, allowing us to learn from ourselves, to grasp the bigger picture happening, and to connect with all variations of the 8 billion collective consciousness. To achieve this, we need to raise our own vibration. As an example, imagine you are entering an elevator in the morning. You can choose what floor you want to exit and create on. In order to make the best decisions for oneself and others, one must be aware of what is on each level.
How to Human:
On the first floor, there is the earth, one dimension
that is primarily physical and superficial
on the second floor, you have the earth and water, two dimensions
both physical and emotional
on the third floor, you have earth, water, and fire, three dimensions
including physical, emotional, and mental
on the fourth floor, you have earth, fire, water, and air, four dimensions
including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual
On the fifth level, you have earth, fire, water, and air linked together into Aether, the fifth dimension
In the sixth dimension we have earth, fire, water, air, aether, and light
which is your connection to your higher self
In the seventh dimension, you will find earth, fire, water, air, aether, light, and space.
Creating as one's higher self
The 7 dimensions contribute to the creation of our chakras, our hues, and of our expanding cells into each element, or matter. Upon conception, we begin the process of expanding the cell by utilizing information, also known as energy, which is inherited, transmitted and received by the vessel that carries YOU and the chromosomes that made you. As we gain a deeper understanding of each layer of our being, we can better determine how our systems function and how our human nature operates. Johny and I missed many checkpoints during our journeys because we strayed so far from who we really were. We were raised with limited views of ourselves, this human experience, our families, and with false information. If you do not have the truth, your cell will take on imbalanced air, which manifests in false thoughts, fake feelings, and therefore imbalanced physical actions and a dysfunctional organism. There is a severe disconnect between our actual spirit, source, universal truth, purpose, physicality, as well as what some call the "imposter syndrome". If you do not learn about your CELLS and get in alignment with your purity, essence, and cellular makeup, you will not feel like yourself, or whole, content, or complete.
The level of rejection our race experiences as it attempts to become aware of its own identity is frankly ridiculous. A lack of care, a lack of desire, and a lack of passion have been suffocated out of the system, which has been fed dimmed, skewed, imbalanced forms of the elements since birth. The food, environment, beverages, education, medication, and what your parents/guardians do/say are all factors that influence your health. If our cells do not have a clear sense of what is right and wrong in terms of energy or if their emotional and mental state is far from balanced and real, they can become quite harmful.