Spoonful Of Self-Worth Part XVII
These elements have positive characteristics when they are in balance, however, when they are imbalanced, they can produce negative characteristics. Learning which elements we possess a greater quantity and quality of allows us to better balance and manage our cells. The cells that carry the ideas (air ), thoughts (fire ), feelings (water) and actions (earth) accumulated over the course of our lifetimes will continue their same habits, patterns, loops, and programming unless we STOP. You should stop, tune in, organize, and then proceed. Stories, traumas, shortfalls, sorrows, and triumphs of our ancestors shall continue to be experienced through their descendants and the next generation. For we the children, our grandchild, and our great-grandchild.
With our heightened senses, we have a responsibility to heal our roots. We have a responsibility to bring freedom to our truth. To release all fake + fear-based realities that entrap our potential in illusion and lies. Needless to say, Mike and I found ourselves up against challenges we were not prepared for. LOL Relationships can also be viewed from this perspective. In your first real relationship, you're searching for your other half. The original consciousness split in two but knew it would need its polarity to survive. The magnetic and electric principles, or what is commonly referred to as the feminine and masculine energies. The journey of the soul towards wholeness. The process of returning to the original state of oneness. Earth is the first exploration of the other half of you, followed by water (second), fire (third) and air (fourth). The third relationship I explored was with Mike, my third experience of learning about myself by becoming involved with someone else.
This contract was quite fiery between us both. An intense passion, desire, which could quickly turn to anger and control. It was only a few months after the assault back in Estevan that I found myself planning Mike's 25th birthday party at my apartment after just moving in with him. We swept any concern about what might happen under the rug, but I hoped that now that we lived together, the dynamic might change. He completely transformed into a different person when just Mike and I were together. When it came to my romantic and friendship relationships, I had the ability to expose the pure, the raw, and the true. I was not interested in superficial relationships, so I wouldn't waste my time with you if you stayed in that stage. It was the purest parts of these individuals I would fall in love with. Unfortunately, these were the versions of themselves they protected and hid from the world.