As the closing stages of the linear year are among us + the season shifts from Summer to Fall, we energetically recognize October to be the month of death + transmutation. Death is a word/experience that must be redefined and truly understood as we evolve our psyche out of the 2-dimensional ideology “physical is all that matters, we are all separate/disconnected individuals + focus on service to self over all”. . . . Society supports this duality mentality, as a matter of fact that is how this society was created to function and “sustain”. Separation mentality creates the stage for competition.
Competition is celebrated and encouraged in most of this societies rituals like elections, sports, businesses, schooling, religion, entertainment etc… when imbalanced (which is an obvious observation of the world right now) competition turns into rivalry, some even go as far as generating forms of hatred towards each other—the distraction from oneness leads to the destruction of each other + ultimately ourCELLves. More and more of us are opening our eyes and unveiling ourselves from centuries of brainwashed “norms” that are as old as they are harmful to us, our planet + our evolution as a whole. A popular example of the level of ignorance + disconnection is the “YOLO” concept. The juvenile cop-out concept indicates that you are limited to one lifetime, this superficial + uneducated ideology along with the duality mentality is a recipe for soul disaster.
Many of the decisions that are taken with this mentality in mind are self CONvinced actions that go against our purest CELLves morals, this causes many traumas to self and others. . . We are beings wired to constantly grow and evolve, when we don’t our entire system begins to go haywire. Collectively we can observe the masses suffer from insomnia, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, digestion irregularities, mental disorders, addictions/dependencies, and many other imbalances which have become so common that many believe their issues/imbalances are a part of life. With all that in mind, we must realize that in order to grow we must shed the layers that constrict us in our old ways/reality. So much of our personas, identification, personalities and beliefs become cemented -literally crippling the evolutionary process.
Attachments get created which is the root of any stagnancy when seen from a larger picture scale, this is when we insert the understanding of death/transmutation. Shedding those imbalanced layers, especially the ones that have been there for decades+ can be quite challenging, significantly when we have our lives built around them. This is why there is so much help when we truly choose/seek it and it is important to always remember that as much as this journey is personal, we are all in this together. Death is never an end it is a beautiful part of life symbolizing a great part of evolution that commonly brings change.
Change can be very uncomfortable and at times scary. We are encouraged to make use of all the present energies to shed those unbalanced + no longer aligned traits, habits, addictions, directions, hobbies, relationships, anchors, jobs, personalities etc. Trust that change ALWAYS brings growth and know that YOU are the ONLY one who can make it happen.
The more we are aware of it in the moment, the more power we have to make conscious decisions,
The Rey’s