Namaste loves, it's been a while since I shared an update on the evolution of my life's purpose and Accepting the Divine there has been a plethora of shifts, changes, and additions I am excited to share with you all! April was a challenging month I'll speak for self but energetically with 5 retrograding planets, powerful moon phases, and energetic shifts we were all clearing up the old and downloading a lot of new information that will begin to come up in you as divine insight through your senses; ideas, clarity, urges, pushes, guidance growing the seeds you've planted & manifested from the beginning months of the year. I've had an overload of inspiration for Accepting the Divine come through with lots of ideas for Conscious Products and the clarity I was searching for on what direction the business is evolving into and how to do this in the most gentlest way for everyone now involved.
I've for the half of the last year or so felt as though I needed a shift in what I offer and give to the world. Not that I'm unhappy or bored with healing sessions, life coaching, spiritual mentoring, teaching yoga, just very aware that I am ready for my next level, I am ready to grow. And the time is here. Patience was definitely required as once I make up my mind about something it's quite the challenge to wait for others and the world to catch up to me. I'm sure some can relate ;) But a lesson I've come so far in since beginning my awareness into self care of the mind, body, and soul. I can remember being the most impatient person ever...and we are talking like 2.5 years ago. I would get anxious and uncomfortable waiting at trains, in traffic, having to make extra stops on a trip, etc. What I know now to be an imbalance within my energy. Plain and simply once you understand energy, seize your disbelief or dysfunctional beliefs of the mind-body connection, the universal laws, and become more mindful and aware of how you're managing your own energy, everything I mean everything starts to make sense and your whole limited perceptions will shift.
I know there's people out there that talk shit about, judge and question what I do and how I live my life. Call us a cult(seriously people lol) wacky doo, or too far gone. But truth you are only showing me your true colors, your insecurities, and meeting my situation with where you are at. And p.s. if you think I'm crazy now just wait till you read on. I was on the other side just a few short years ago and know where this all stems from and a lot of people don't know that or forget that. I'm human just like you.
I lived what I considered to be a normal life relatable to others just trying to fit into society, fall in love, make a career, build a savings account, partied on occasion, had lots of "friends" but life took me down a very interesting path through trials and tribulations it led me to discover and unlock all of myself. If you would have told me 5 years ago you are imbalanced, you need to understand energy I would have looked at you side-ways, become defensive, doubted you, or pushed it to the side. Point is there was a time in my life when I knew change was needed, there was more to this world, and that our society is backwards only with that awareness will one begin an accelerated journey into the greatest version of yourself.
I am still Stacey. I still love fashion & styling, dancing & laughing, indulging in treats from time to time, sunbathing, playing, escaping into Netflix & streaming, getting into mischief, breaking rules, ignoring 'authority', pushing the limits of self and others, speaking my mind, etc. I do all these things but now from a conscious place of love not fear, with an awareness of how people, situations, activities, my actions, relationships energetically/physically/mentally/emotionally/spiritually affect me and others. The importance of not living life from the egoic mind(fear) attachment, judgement, worry, impatience, anxiousness, control and disconnect but from my
heart space(love) co-creation, interdependence, balance, compassion, acceptance of situations one can not 'control', trust, and mindfulness(present moment acceptance).
I'm not sick with a failing immune system and I understand what causes any illness, disease, pain, from the ROOT of its existence . I just take better care of myself on all levels, I talk better to myself, have a deeper connection and the know to flow with Nature not against it, think for myself not limited by others judgements, assumptions, or expectations, became more proactive than reactive, gained a deeper understanding of the universe, continuously seek to become the greatest version of myself, set healthier boundaries and routines, live from my heart and let her led making conscious choices and decisions that benefit me in the long run and live intentionally. And through this shift I reversed my health & found what I know most search for or get lost along the way and settle for less life's purpose.
Now a look into the new services and products! If you've followed my journey or our business you'll know I am all about Self Care of the mind, body, and soul for I learned it's importance on my own individual journey stated above. I would create Self Care Morning/Evening Routines and daily maintenance for myself and for my clientele which we called Om Work to aid in alleviating stress from their lives, heal their root issues, cultivate equilibrium in their system, and allow them to open up to their widest potential. I call it intuition/divine guidance as the ideas came rushing through me insight into how the business will evolve. I was guided to create Custom & Monthly Subscription Self Care Box created, channeled, and charged for the specific month, season, and cosmic shift(monthly subscription box) or specifically customized for you(custom self care box) or a loved one and what I channel is most needed to bring harmony into the individuals life. The boxes will include an assortment of our Conscious Products & products we use from other local organic suppliers shipped directly to your door for the new month.
I am also all about Rituals and there ability to cultivate connection, work with intention, restore harmony, heighten emotional intelligence and promote awareness/clarity into our current situation. I've created Bath Rituals before and shared them on my Blog, Facebook, Instagram and one day recently was guided to make this a service for others. I channel the client and take inventory of what they are most in need of and create them a Ritual Box filled with our hand crafted, 100% pure & natural healing products to assist with the Step by Step Instructions for the Ritual I create for you, your loved one, or group. Examples; a couples ritual, women's gathering ritual, fertility ritual, blessing ways, Moon rituals, rituals for self-love, healing past wounds, attracting new love, manifesting abundance, purging dysfunctional beliefs, healing depression etc. I am also offering an Online Ritual in which I write up the Ingredient list and Ritual Instructions and email directly to you allowing you to forage your own supplies.
A priority of mine and desire was for these boxes to be different and unique then the other Lifestyle boxes or FabFun Boxes. Any product/service we create is first desired and inspired by what we love, what works for us, what is highest in vibration, gentlest on Mother Earth, and what we use in our day to day life! With my Rituals & Self Care Boxes you will not only heal, connect, restore but I am utilizing all the knowledge I've accumulated from my healing journey, advanced training, and intuitive wisdom to also provide you with knowledge on self care, prana, chakras, meridians, yin/yang, the auric field, nadis, mind-body connection, crystals, oils, reiki, past lives, earth's magnetic pulse, natures bounty, the bodies innate ability to heal itself, intuition development, etc. As I know my life's purpose is to share my experiences and teach this extremely important information we don't learn in non-formal education the other 50% of us vital to our health and wellbeing.
My Mother-in-Law Andrea has joined our Accepting the Divine Tribe as an investor, healer(services will be announced soon), alchemist, and crazy amazing seamstress. She is in the midst of creating all of our new Prana Pillows for the Expo this weekend in which you can come check out our booth, meet us, invest in products, book mini healing sessions, and ask any questions. The Prana Pillows will have different uses, crystals, herbs, plants, etc associated with it's intention examples, opening the third eye, past life healing, healing the healer, DNA activation, weight loss, new beginnings, abundance, self-love, romance, fertility, menstruation, heartbreak, menopause, insomnia, depression, healing past wounds, creativity etc. I awoke suddenly from my sleep one evening with the downloaded information and insight to create healing pillows charged with reiki(universal life force), filled with crystals, plants, and essential oils specifically for each individual Chakra (energy center). Allowing both the individual or practitioner to conveniently use for their self care and in sessions.
As a Conscious Living Teacher & Healer I use a lot of stones and plant medicine, in both my sessions and my own daily self care. The stones would fall off of the body when a client shifted or moved their position and trying to lay stones on your own body Crown to Root without having a yard sale of stones everywhere takes grace and ease. I was so excited I messaged Andrea bright & early the next morning(maybe a little to early lol) and she loved the idea. We will also be offering body scrubs, shower teas, bath teas, healing potions, chakra crystal soap bars, guided meditations, manuals, yin blankets, yoga bags, chakra pillows, and eye pillows with many more ideas evolving into physically manifestation.
As for the new and shifts in services my husband Johny will be doing majority of the healing sessions which we are evolving towards Online Sessions to teach just how powerful and beneficial they are, and to better manage our time and energy; Emotion Code, Bodytalk, Reiki, Card Readings, Past Life Regression. I will join him when specifically requested and for Twin Flame Soul Healing Sessions. Where you'll find me Stacey is teaching our Yoga Classes, Spiritual Mentoring, Life Coaching, Leading Workshops/Retreats, Teaching Reiki Trainings, Creating Conscious Products & Boxes, and Channeling w/Coco(keep reading this will make sense lol).
Our new service we are offering is Mediumship/Channeling/Living Portal. Introducing Coco as she steps into her power, begins to share her legit out of this world gifts, and comes out of the metaphysical closet. No lie, she will blow your mind as she connects you directly to your departed loved ones, guides, messengers etc. Her soul steps to the side and you speak directly to the soul you wish to as they consume her physical body...yes I said out of this world you must experience to truly understand the magnitude of what Coco can do for you and your life. We came into COCO's gifts during a practice mediumship session I was taking her through back in June 2016. It's taken us this time to process the magnitude of her gifts/our gifts and the information/guidance/ we received that day before coming out of the closet. To read Coco's journey and learn more about her offerings visit our TRIBE & OFFERINGS Page on our official website (i'm still in progress of updating and adding all the products to the Online Store but a lot of changes have been made thus far)
Coco & I will be offering Private Channeling/Mediumship Sessions from May 24th - May 29th/2017 at our business location, Accepting the Divine in Estevan, SK. There will be limited space available and I strongly encourage if any part of you feels drawn to this experience listen to that voice. Coco only offers Distance Sessions so this is the opportunity to meet her while she shares her gifts! This is like no other medium or channel that exists in our planet right now. You do not just speak to Coco you speak directly to your loved one, guide, and soul. To learn more/book a session contact
I am so excited about this next level and new venture we are headed through. We as a Team/Tribe aspire to inspire others to realize their greatest potential, to understand there is more to this life, to live more consciously allowing more compassion, connection, and nurturing of self to ripple this effect onto others, Mother Earth, and all her habitants creating a much gentler, aware, authentic, and mindful experience on this plane. Even as healers we are always growing, evolving, learning, expanding our knowledge, accessing higher levels of divine wisdom and must allow ourselves to do so. From this we are to share the wisdom we accumulated from our experiences with others and live our purpose. So if you haven't been to myself(Stacey) for a while I've learned so much over the last year it's been intense. I've had my whole world flipped upside right. As I said the last years been intense, enlightening, and magical but not just for me for our Team/Tribe and we are ready to share the wisdom, healing, and knowledge from our recent going throughs and I can guide you to the service and Tribe member best suited for you.
Woofta long winded had a lot to catch up on! Thank you for tuning in and for your support in cultivating a gentler more compassionate, awakened world,
Namastacey xoxo