The picture on the left is me just a week ago. A girl who sought out a deeper understanding of life because she was left with a choice, live or deteriorate. A girl who stepped out of the status quo, danced to her own heart's desires, cast aside conventions and restrictions, healed without any medication the candida, leaky gut syndrome, inflammation, calcification, reactive arthritis, insomnia, severe rashes(dermatitis), anxiety, depression created in her system, gained a deeper understanding of exactly how these illnesses manifested in her body and the root of their existence. She threw away the limiting thoughts, judgments, accusations, fears, and expectations her self, peers, family, and society placed upon her. She decided to seek answers, open her mind and heart, heal the wounded parts of her soul, step into her baggage and face her darkness with compassion, acceptance, and trust.
Was it easy, peezee lemon squeezy? Fuck no. Letting go of the friends who I no longer resonated with, leaving a life I created, an unhealthy relationship I felt tied to, jobs that no longer aligned with my purpose and integrity, letting go of the activities that once brought me pleasure, taking a vulnerable stand sharing my truth, experiences, and belief system despite the doubts and judgments of my community was not easy. I completely shifted everything that was my norm, my comfort zone, what I thought to be truth, let go of controlling, overthinking, overanalyzing, negative habits, dysfunctional belief systems placing complete trust in this new perception of life, and took a complete leap of faith. I truly believe all of the above and the lack of knowledge and awareness is what keeps others from doing so.
All things said it may not have been easy, but it felt right, it felt more real and true than anything I had learned and experienced in my whole life. I felt peace, contentment, joy, gratitude for I finally saw life without veils and fear fogged glasses. I let go of the old version of myself, the girl in the picture from 2013 on the right , and the perception of life lived from a place of a complete egoic state of mind; constant worry of what others think, trying to fit in to our societies view of what's successful, wishing things to be different, stuck in my comforts scared to try anything new for fear of failure. I had no relationship and connection to my higher self, purpose and role on this plane and no clue or belief in my higher self, guides, angels, the energetic system, manifesting, universal laws, the divine flow, as this was not taught to me at home, in formal education, or spoke of by my peers.
One thing I've learned about life is it isn't meant to be easy, how boring would that be!? We would never evolve or learn the lessons our soul sought out to experience. We won't gain the knowledge and reverse our karma that are soul so longs to do. Life is meant to be high and low, bitter and sweet, rough and soft, spicy and salty, adventurous and inactive, loud and quiet we have just forgotten why we've come here as that's part of the Earth School conditions. We chose to forget and to live through a myriad of lessons, blessings, trials, and tribulations with our main goal whether we are conscious of this or not is to remember who we truly are and step into the truest, most authentic, greatest version of ourselves. Some get stuck, caught up, and disconnected along the way and that's okay there is no right or wrong, success or failure, you just create a harsher, lack luster, material, superficial experience for yourself, and attract more negative karma to work through for your next life. Essentially, preventing yourself from an extraordinary experience, a life you dream of filled with freedom, wellbeing, empowerment, adventure, trust, compassion, awareness, union, curiosity, creativity, joy, passion, co-creation, interdependence and excitement.
"In a time when the world is waking up as we enter a window of time when connection and creation energy is coming to rise. Notice any synchronicity, connections, and creativity rise in you in actuality not just in your mind, desires, and intentions. You may be meeting more people or are drawn to who you feel like is kin to you or somebody who is part of the next step, next path. How do you know if you've met that person that is part of your next step? We have to learn to listen and to listen deeply as soul-led humans and that's not always easy. Follow the threads, the seeds, the opportunities inline with your heart's desire. It may not be that exact person or opportunity but the universe is leading you towards by placing someone on your path to show you here is a possible thread you can follow, a few different stepping stones may appear giving you options to create your new path and journey. This is a great time to birth new beginnings, create, and bring your visions to life. Notice when the fear body the egoic mind, who is just trying to protect you from preconceived failures or disappointment rears its self doubt, hesitation, questioning because the truth is if we aren't here to live what are we here for." - Lee Harris
May all beings everywhere by happy, healthy, and free,
Namastacey (~*~)