Namaste loves,

Stacey has learned the hard way when it comes to managing the time in which I am teaching, mentoring, healing, marketing, social media'ing for Sage and Center: Yoga, Health, & Healing while still keeping up with my much needed self care, family time, play time, downtime, cooking time, etc. Essentially, balancing the amount of time I am in a state of giving energy with the time I am receiving energy. Not only was this form of imbalance in my systems a massive contributor to my failing health just a few short years ago but a harsher lesson I learned after my first year of creating my business. This is a Universal law of nature and I bring a lot of awareness and emphasis to the importance of this law while healing my clientele, training my students, and mentoring those developing their spiritual practices and gifts. During my first year of business I was healing whenever I could, teaching yoga classes at several locations, emailing, Facebook messaging, Instagram direct messaging all hours of the day to those seeking guidance or answers to their suffering, time in-between sessions, etc. The result was Stacey not walking her talk. I encouraged balance and it's importance massively but was not taking my own knowledgeable advice and I hit burn out. An excessive amount of Yang energy(giving, active) and a complete deficiency in Yin energy(receiving, passive).

Our Solar Plexuses is the third chakra, the center of your self-esteem, your willpower, self-discipline, as well as warmth in your personality. The energy of this chakra allows you to transform inertia into action and movement. It allows you to meet challenges and move forward in your life. The main challenge for the third chakra is to use your personal power in a BALANCED manner. What does that mean? It means consciously harnessing the energy of the solar plexus chakra. It means being proactive rather then reactive or inactive. Beings with excessive third chakra energy react to life circumstances, they have emotional outbursts and are often stressed out. Beings with blocked or deficient third chakra are passive and inactive - allowing life to pass by while they do nothing. Strong third chakra reflects the ability to move forward in life with confidence and power. It reflects the ability to make conscious choices to choose and to act. The message of the third chakra is: You have the power to choose.

I had created a very imbalanced excessive Solar Plexus chakra. I lost control of my schedule and found myself spread thin. One particular night I remember it quite well, I had just finished healing sessions for the day and was to teach two yoga classes that evening. I sat on my bed flat-lined exhausted, over- emotional, hysterically half laughing/half crying as I whimpered to my Mother on the phone, "I have nothing left to give". Yes, I have faith and trust that within the Universal law of giving and receiving whenever you are giving of your time, a smile, a compliment, a hug, etc. that the universe will provide a form of abundance but through my experience and within my business I have learned when you give and give and give and rarely receive from others, it makes sense that you feel depleted or hit burnout. Like anything in life, you need to fill back up what you have given out. You fill the car with gas when the gauge is on empty. If you don’t, the car won’t run. As an indigo, empath, lightwoker who strives to raise the collective consciousness of our human race, giving was imprinted in my being. Giving to others comes so much more naturally than receiving, plus a lot of us have been conditioned by social, society, and parental influences to give more freely than to receive. And indeed most of us find it easier to give. Maybe you all grew up like me thinking that we should be giving and not being selfish by taking too much. In fact, when we receive something we might even feel guilty or not being able to know how to receive gratefully.

Think about it. When someone gives you a flattering compliment, such as “you look great today”. Do you just receive it gratefully and maybe say thank you, that’s very kind of you to say”, or, do you immediately laugh it off uncomfortable and reply something like: “Are you kidding, I’m having a bad hair day and because I barely slept I just grabbed whatever clothes were laying in front of me”. And then, because you don’t know how to just receive without immediately giving something back you will most likely return the compliment: “So do you, I love your outfit”. Even if you have seen the same outfit a dozen times before or don't actually like it. The list goes on and on. This is just a simple example in which I have witnessed this exchange with others and myself. We always offer our help to those in need. We always offer to help when someone is moving or needs advice, but in return we find it so hard to ask for help. I’m talking from my own experience as well as my clientele. For example within my own life, I did most of my movings by myself (and i've moved a lot...A LOT). I didn’t want to burden anyone with helping me in their free time. And each time someone gave me something: be it their time, or a gift, I would feel I have to return the favor or exchange immediately offering up whatever I could. The age old quote states “For it is in giving that we receive.”

And indeed, there is nothing wrong with giving a lot. It’s a very spiritual practice to give without expecting anything in return. We should not keep track of how much we are giving and how much we expect in return. We should give because we feel like it. Because it feels good. Because we love to give and help others. But as everything on earth, everything has a natural flow. Look at nature for example: a tree gracefully receives the warmth and the light of the sun each day and the rain it needs to survive. It then gives delicious fruits to us humans, shadow to those who are seeking to cool down and breeding places for all the little birdies. A tree doesn’t feel uncomfortable receiving what it needs in order to survive. Because only by receiving all that nature has to offer, will a tree be able to give all it has to offer.

And it’s not different with us humans. We also need to learn how to receive gracefully. Be it love, a gentle hug from a friend, a gift from our parents, an open ear from someone who would like to listen to our worries. By blocking out the receiving energy, we eventually will block it all. By not allowing ourselves to receive, we will eventually get depleted. Our energy levels will be extremely low, we will experience chronic fatigue or a burnout, we will block the abundance in our life, we even block our love for ourselves. How can we love ourselves when we don’t allow others to truly love us?

And this was something I was lacking. As an awakened human, and Indigo I felt; I have this gift of knowledge, highly sensitive vessel created to heal decades of stored pain from others, gained wisdom through my experiences and remembered the pinnacle of this human experience witnessing such miraculous change in my state of health, consciousness, lifestyle and wanting so desperately to share this knowledge to help others, awaken their lower vibrational perceptions, and to prevent any of the harsher sufferings I had endured. This wisdom gained and shifted perceptions saved my life and I became passionate and still very much am about helping and healing others. Having experienced the burn-out previously and not wanting to learn this lesson again in this lifetime I need to implement healthy changes within my business and day to day life. I hear my guides warnings and are aware of the red flags attempting to save me from travelling down this path again preventing a harsher life lesson. I have consciously decided I have had enough of those in my 27 years to last me the rest of this lifetime. So as I pondered how to go about doing so without offending others, coming off greedy, striving to set an example for my existing and future clientele I thought of those who inspire me.

It wasn't those who keep giving and giving and turn into a shadow of themselves. It was those that radiate compassion and love for others and for themselves at the same time. For I find those people most inspiring; who dare to step out of the box, sway away from the status quo, those who dare to love themselves and their lives and make amazing career/life changes. Those people that had the courage to finally say “NO” stopped being the people pleaser, no longer allowed others to walk all over them or take them for granted, stepped out of an unhealthy or abusive relationship, and finally set healthy boundaries for themselves and others. There is nothing more inspiring to me than observing people who start shining brightly in their own light, radiating it out to everyone else, inspiring others with their words, love and actions. By being the change themselves. By going through tough times and showing to the world out there: “Hey, I made it, and look at me, I’m shining brighter than ever before, and you can do it too!”.

These people would not be doing these things if they blocked out the receiving energy in their life. By allowing ourselves to receive we unblock new levels of abundance in our lives. We will attract new people into our lives, new situations and new opportunities. By accepting help and love from others, by building synergies with business partners, by allowing ourselves to be open to receive whatever is coming our way, we allow ourselves to grow. And by growing we attract more and more growth and endless possibilities in our lives. While giving is important, I gave in a way that did not consider my own needs. I created relationships in which I gave much more than I got back and that left me feeling exhausted, resentful, and distressed. My attempt to gain control was impulsive and brought on a harsher life lesson than what I would have attracted had I allowed myself to chilllllll out and take my own advice.

For those of you who don't remember I sold everything I owned, and fled the country back in December 2015. With a waiting list of clients, a home-business all set up and running smoothly, I was "taking control" back of my life. A vacation would have done the trick and that's what my travels ended up being as unforeseen circumstances sent my ass straight back to Canada. Now this isn't entirely truthful as I was conscious of the egoic environment I was entering but due to my stubborn need to control my life(an old pattern), the need to help the situation I was entering, and a time for Stacey to "attempt" (key word) to receive through desired travelling, I was set out to conquer the challenge at hand completely ignoring the guidance of my intuition(an old pattern). And the universe was sending me signs all over the place. I had done a community reading and the third card I pulled for immediate future was, STAY flipped upside down meaning ego blocking us from this awareness. My skin was breaking out in rashes all over my face just like it had during my illness. The morning before I flew out it was at it's all time high. I had been pulled over and charged with driving with a suspended license which was false but SGI hadn't recorded our transaction(all charges were dropped at a Court date when I later returned to Estevan). All ways the Universe communicates with us as life isn't to be a constant ride on the struggle bus unless you are off your true path, and clearly I was but completely ignoring and unaware of all the SIGNS! Attracting once again a harsher life lesson in which throughout my life I constantly did by being such a stubborn little shit, "I can do it alll by myself" (just ask my Mom how much I said this) and putting my hands on the steering wheel of my path disconnected from my intuition and the more intelligent driver my higher power. Intuition is feminine energy and with mine completely depleted I was reacting from a lower, imbalanced vibration, "Wishing things to be different, controlling, efforting, changing" instead of simply just being, accepting the exhaustion, taking responsibility for my part in getting to this point, admitting to self I was being the preacher but not the prophet(I think a lot of us can relate, we are great at giving advice but we don't take our own), and finding the yin, stillness, nourishment in my day to day that would have guided me to a much gentler lesson and balance within my systems, energies, and life I had created.

So as life has given me another chance and opportunity to learn this lesson my intention is to be the prophet, to lead by example, and to walk my talk. Another huge point to this blog is about managing the time/energies I am giving to social media accounts, my cellphone, technology in general as this contributes to excessive yang energy and imbalances as well. In this day and age we have grown accustomed to instant gratification. Through our internet we can have access to information (based off of someone else's experience, what they were taught, heard) instead of having to meditate on a question or make a conscious choice all on our own building our intuition, unblocking ear chakras, awakening psychic abilities, and developing awareness to the mind-body-soul connection. Trust me, ANY answer you seek can be found within, with a practiced intuition and connection to your higher power. There is so much intelligence we have access to but have forgot, lack belief(high vibration) in this amazing gift we humans are all born with. Yes, some our born with heightened gifts/sensitivities to this energy but we all have intuition. As well with texting, and messengers (facebook, instragram, snap chat etc.) Remember the days when you would call someone on their landline before cellphones, internet voicemail's, call display answering machines, etc, "Hey is so and so home", "Hey can Kendra play today". Don't get me twisted this technology has it's perks and has come in handy for myself especially in life or death situations but we, I guilty of it too, abuse the fuck out of it. An instant reply, and instant gratification has taken over.

Think, if you text or call someone and they don't reply right away or that day where do you your thoughts go, "Are they mad at me?" "They must be ignoring me" "What did I do wrong". "What a bitch, I know she's seen my text, call, email, etc". Assuming and expecting you know what's is going on in their lives, how they are responding, and taking it personally. When really it has nothing to do with you. It never does. A big lesson I am so grateful to have learned over these last few years, 'how to stop taking things personal'. As a sensitive soul I found myself in previous years whether I be at fault or not wondering what did I do wrong, worrying why don't they like me, fearing what others thought about me. Taking things personally is often a by-product of the conditioned brain. When we take things personally we are giving certain individuals more power over us than they deserve or should ever be allowed to have. In effect, you are allowing someone to question what you feel and believe. You are trusting someone else to tell you who you are, instead of relying on what you know to be true about yourself; what really defines you as a person without any outside influence. In essence, taking things personally keeps you tied to someone else and, in the extreme, can even make you feel like a victim, that there is something wrong with you, etc.

So, instead of just reacting when someone pushes your buttons, doesn't message/call you back instantly or ever, insert anything you would take personally I suggest doing what I do, remembering, "IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT ME." Here are some things to consider when you find yourself caught up in an interaction/confrontation where you feel your personal integrity is being challenged, when you are feeling ignored/hurt, etc. Don't jump to assumptions who knows what is going on in that persons day to day, week to week, month to month. They could be going through there own inner turmoil, out of control challenges, personal development, etc. Don’t jump to conclusions too quickly when you are being confronted, or feel attacked/offended by another's opinion/judgments of you. Maybe it’s not about you at all, but rather about them and their own perceptions projected onto you. In fact, it’s almost always about them, their issues, their needs, and their desire to control you and/or a situation. In short, 'it's their own shit". Focus on what this relationship really means to you. How heavily invested are you in this individual? Do you always need to be agreeable, to make no waves, to go along in order to please this person and to keep the peace? Do you perceive that there may be a high price to pay if you disagree or challenge them? Do you really need this person’s approval? Is all the trouble keeping them happy, as they challenge you, really worth the effort?Change the focus of the interaction by putting yourself in this other person’s shoes.Try to understand what the other person is feeling/thinking/trying to convey to you. Is this the way they interact with many people, not just you? Is it their usual way to be critical, to insult, to blame or shame? Maybe that person hasn’t mastered how to communicate in a healthy way. Perhaps they lack certain social skills and feel the only way they will be heard and paid attention to is by being rude or aggressive in their language, or by pushing to get their way. Perhaps, they have issues with relationships in general, with boundaries, with seeing things as either all good or bad, right or wrong.

So I ask that you don't take any of this personally. I receive an abundance of questions through social media which I will no longer be answering through this forum, most are welcomed and encouraged but I have to bring awareness to the fact that I am also a business, and I too need to put food on my table, keep balance, and set healthy boundaries. A lot of the questions I get asked about sessions I offer and my pricing can all be found on my website. And I've heard people say, "I could have just looked but I thought asking you would be quicker, easier" I ask that all existing and future clients have respect for my time and to take the extra minute and visit my website www.sageandcenter.com. As well as when it comes to questions regarding spiritual growth, intuition, mind-body connection, life in general, a personal matter, your yoga practice, questions that come up after your sessions etc. that these are offerings I have called Life Coaching, Spiritual Counselling, Mentor-ship apart of my business. Yes, I love the shit out of what I do and want to help everyone but I do not want to risk burn-out from imbalances in my giving and receiving of my time and energies or resent anyone for the feeling of being taken for granted or taken advantage of. And as I previously mentioned you already have all the answers you seek, you just have to practice your access to gaining it! Find a quiet place and create stillness, present the question to your Higher Self and wait for the instant knowing, feeling, vision, thought that comes, in short practice and build your connection to your intuition. It is within these moments between the breath, the time of divine intervention you will begin to transform from the caterpillar into the beautiful butterfly who might I remind you learns how to fly all on his own. And think of it this way, I wouldn't just come into your work whether you be a hair stylist, gas attendant, accountant, massage therapist, server etc. and say "Hey can you just give me a quick trim, fill up my gas tank, assess my taxes, massage my neck, pass me a free appetizer". I have respect and appreciation for you, your time, your talents and gifts, and the food you need to put on your table. I truly believe the world should run on exchange of service and spoiler alert it will again one day. So this is another form of payment that I accept. I have clientele who cook for me(a serious challenge with my sensitivities), bring me garden vegetables, exchange material possessions I require, exchange their offerings for mine etc. as a form of payment. And I will continue to offer this.

With timing being divine as always I have sometime off from sessions as I will be hosting training's, workshops, family visiting etc. During this time I will be implementing the following changes:

1. I will only be answering Facebook messages, Texts, Instagram Messages, from that of my immediate and extended family or emergencies. This is to respect my time as well as help me limit the amount of energy and time spent glued to a fucking screen!!! Help me help you my loves :) The best cut and dry way to access me is through email Stacey.Fichter@hotmail.com. I'm taking it back to the simple days consider it like my landline but trust that I will get back to you and more importantly that I WANT TOO!!

2. For those who have questions regarding spiritual growth, intuition, mind-body connection, life in general, a personal matter, your yoga practice, questions that come up after your sessions etc. that these are offerings I have called Life Coaching, Spiritual Counselling, Mentor-ship apart of my business and you will need to book in for a session to receive this guidance, knowledge.

3. My partner will be moving in with me into our home business and he is a very gifted healer and spiritual counsouler as well as a plethora of other gifts and talents soon to be shared with the world. We will be upgradingSage and Center: Yoga, Health, & Healing to it's new level, practitioning Twin Flame healing sessions and open soul surgeries compassionately awakening you to your truth, the truth, clearing/transmuting/releasing what's no longer serving you as our universe shifts through it's drastic changes.

Due to these changes I will be offering a new session called "A spoonful of Stacey" a 30 or 60 minute session via phonecall, skype, or Facetime in which you can present your question(s) and I will provide my intuitive guidance just as I do and have done in my private one on one offerings during my business hours. To learn more visitwww.sageandcenter.com/offerings. I hope this reaches you all well as I am only trying to be the prophet and walk my talk. Striving to be the example to inspire others to set healthy boundaries in their day to day, manage their time of giving and receiving, and respect themselves and others.

Have a magical week, be kind to yourself and others, get outside, and most importantly do something you love and have some fucking fun,

Namastacey (~*~)

PS. As I finished this blog I glanced up at the time 9:55. 55 meaning "out with the old, in with the new" and 9 meaning big change! THANKS ANGELS AND GUIDES <3 <3 <3