Morning Loves,
I took the last two weeks off of healing sessions as I endured a heavy shift and change within my reality. Welcoming my partner into my world, and his magical Mama bear to introduce the families and essentially test the waters as we move forward into the next level of our conscious relationship.
In a conscious, relationship the focus is growth -physically, mentally, spiritually. You have to let go of your concept of a “comfort zone” and how we've learned a relationship should be, look like, feel like. People tend to think that a relationship is supposed to be all sunshine and rainbows so at the first sign of trouble, they automatically assume something is terribly wrong insert judgment and critical thinking of self and partner. Growth is not an easy process, it's messy, mucky, rough, hard but when you have two people that are dedicated to it, and their own individual growth it becomes a team effort, an interdependence instead of a constant struggle to figure out who you are as an individual and a partner. You have to let go of the belief that expressing who you are will put your relationships in danger for the fear of judgement from your partners.Just as you may have learned from a previous relationship while still trapped in the old thinking of attachment, "Make me happy" as opposed to true love, "I want you to be happy, no matter what the result".
In a conscious relationship expression of who you are and what you want is the key for this beautiful vessel. In a conscious relationship love is not the final destination, it is the fuel for the journey. As two people move forward together with the joint sense that they are doing so as two people looking to be 100% authentically themselves, they will find love in ways they never knew they could.
Yes, I have found what we call my "Twin Flame" but that doesn't mean it has been easy peezy lemon squuezy for either of us. What is a Twin Flame? Twin flames, also called twin souls, are literally the other half of our soul. We each have only one twin, and generally after being split the two went their separate ways, incarnating over and over to gather human experience before coming back together. Ideally, this happens in both of their last lifetimes on the planet so they can ascend together. So you probably haven't had many lifetimes with your twin. Each twin is a complete soul, not half a soul. It is their task to become more whole, balancing their female and male sides, and ideally become enlightened, before reuniting with their twin. This reunion is of two complete and whole beings. All other relationships through all our lives could be said to be "practice" for the twin, the ultimate relationship.
We met to trigger and ignite growth within each other living in different countries, at different levels of our ascension. Eventually, to come together for a grander mission in which I am slowly expressing to all of you through my blogs, workshops, sessions, classes. He, being fresh out of long relationship and wanting his single man status freedom, and me happy in my relationship with myself as I have been single working on reversing my failing health and awakening to my truth for the last few years. And honestly on my end this has challenged every bit left I have of my egoic mind of how a relationship should be. While simultaneously allowing me to see what growth I have made this far in regards to jealousy, control, anger, etc. all those lower vibrations we express, endure when we are withholding pain from previous relationships, imprinted learned behaviors. There is such a beautiful energy in this shifted perception of how a relationship should be. I know I must let go of all expectations and assumptions of where I want (key word want) the relationship to lead. Or how I want it to make me feel. For these concepts that have been conditioned in my mind of the "perfect" relationship are limiting and blocking me from hearing every instrument in this wild symphony of real unconditional love.
When I became aware of the misleading conditioning's of our social imprinting, fresh out of an abusive relationship in 2013, I made a promise to myself that I would not seek comfort, love from that of another person. That I would first learn how to love all parts of myself and grow as a conscious human being. With nothing but blind faith I dropped fear about what others would think as I took on the single life, married myself and began creating a reality in which I awake every day full of gratitude and excitement for what's to come. As the majority are married, kids, pets, the house, etc. I knew very well this was looked at as different and possibly less successful. As we measure success in a very skewed way all stuck in the old unawakened state of consciousness. At 27 I had a thriving home-business, a connection to my higher-self, healing relationships with my family, support of true friends, but I was single Auntie Stacey and some got the wrong idea.
Stating, "How it must be nice , how lucky I am, I can just do as I please, no commitments, nothing tying me down." Or thinking less of me for it, whose this crazy girl preaching she knows the truth about life, no partner, no kids, etc. Truth, I made this commitment to myself because I knew I did not want to attract a partner until I was vibrating at the level that would magnetize the person I was meant to be with. I've always known on some level the fairy tale love existed, my happily ever after. And whether it be in this life or when I transform into the next it was something I was meant to experience. I have a gift of knowing, it is a heightened psychic ability some know as Claircognizance. It is one of the primary intuitive modalities people use to get knowledge and information psychically.
Claircognizance, or clear-knowing, refers to the ability to simply know something to be true even without supporting knowledge or logic or reason. I awakened strongly to this gift in my healing sessions with clientele when I would just "know" something about them. A challenging gift when trust in yourself is something you are working on, a karmic lesson I brought into this life. Clients would ask as I revealed information about their personal lives,"How do you know that" Well my loves, I just do. That said, did I know this relationship would come when I least expected it and hit me like ton of bricks.shaking up every cell of my being, uncovering deep within my unconscious layers of raw emotion that lingered from lifetimes lived. HELL NO. But it did and I've grown so much from it as an individual. It gave me the opportunity to peel away, and heal the rawness that needed to be expressed. This journey straight into studying the tension created from this new kind of relationship provided me the key to blockages that just kept me, held me back from living fully conscious, authentic, and awakened.
So after eight months of long distance, off and on, opening and closing of our hearts we are taking the next divinely guided step to move forward on the grander mission our Twin Flame chose, contracted long before we arrived in this lifetime.. He is relocating his entire life from LA, shifting his life long dream of being a pro skater, running his own company, living the bright and shiny lifestyle that Cali provided for him(which was needed and served it's purpose) to Estevan Saskatchewan. To begin living out his dharma as a very power healer, mentor, spiritual counselor, other half of our Twin Flame while simultaneously still expressing his other many talents and gifts. We will be conducting healing sessions, workshops, retreats side by side as we balance both the feminine and masculine energies. As I stated in my previous blog SPOONFUL OF STACEY - FOR ALL EXISTING AND FUTURE CLIENTELE<3, my business Sage and Center will be upgrading.
There is so much more to this story in which we have been guided to share and overtime we will in hopes to inspire all that true unconditional love, twin flames, the fairy-tale romance does exist. But it comes just as life does with it's high and lows, sweet and saltiness, sadness and passion, loss and transformation, all divinely magical just the way it is.
I wish you all a wonderful week filed with creativity, clarity, joy and most importantly some sexxxxyyy fun,
Namastacey (~*~)