The Rebellious Goddess - A New Moon Sisterhood Gathering

In our world conditioned full of competition, judgment, and envy it is truly a gift to release the learned, imprinted nonsense that divides and separates such magical vibrations cultivated from females growing and learning together.

Why the Rebellious Goddess? Because we are the free thinkers, the shape-shifters. We know in our wild hearts there is so much love, creativity, and acceptance available to be expressed, cultivated, conjured. We are here to be the catalysts for change. First by remembering how powerful as unique females we truly are. Then, releasing any veils/blocks that disconnects us from simply being this truth. As we ignite harmony within ourselves, collectively we trigger a shift in energy all around us connecting on the highest vibration.  

Join me sisters for a 5 hour mini retreat filled with opportunities to learn, meet, connect, share, release and harmonize every layer of our being. I guarantee, you will experience many moments to take away with you, moments that will hopefully last a lifetime!

Sage Cleansing & Aura Clearing


A ceremonial ritual of clearing away lower vibrations one has absorbed through thought, word, or deed that have magnetized to our energetic field affecting our moods, health, and ability to take on life with grace and ease. With the healing benefits of Sage, Reiki(Universal Life Force), and Essential oil, Crystal Elixir, Flower essences, Solar and Lunar energy charged infused spray(created by Stacey Fichter) experience a feeling of lightness and relaxation as you transmute and clear away decades of clutter in your energetic and physical body.

Cacao Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapy & Guided Meditation Ceremony


Indulge in the healing benefits of the chocolaty cacao, opening the energy lines in your heart to establish a deeper connection to the core of your being. A release of emotions stored within the memories of our unconscious is ignited to allow one to let in and let go of the past. Clearing out debris, blocks, peeling away layers co-consciously creating space for divine experiences, and opportunities. With step-by-step instruction on how to make the ritual beverage and conduct your own ceremony. A guided meditation with chakra balancing sound therapy from Tibetan singing bowls allowing space for the dose of cacao to begin it's process within the systems. 

Sister Weaving Exercise & Goddess Box Creating


Clear out worries, fears, limiting belief systems, social conditioning's and gain control over the constant chatter of the mind.  Allow what you no longer know how to process/handle to be given up to a higher power. Connect, relate and find humbleness relating to like-minded souls as we share what no longer serves us.  Creating space within our systems to manifest what it is we would desire to bring into our reality. 

New Moon Yin & Meditation Flow


A mindfulness practice that fosters awareness, self exploration, mind-body connection, intuition development, breath-work etc. Experience step-by-step meditation guidance to meet your body, mind, and emotions with curiosity, skill, and gentleness. Explore yin yoga postures that relax and energize your body, detox trauma in the joints, ligaments, connective tissue, fascia, find greater range of motion/flexibility, reduce cortisol built up, increase hydration, and clear out lifetimes of suppressed emotion. As we draw in the potent energy of the Divine Feminine New Moon to encompass and nurture us into a state of euphoric bliss.

Bonfire Share Circle and Soul Treats


Basking in the darkness of the New Moon, star gazing, dancing around the fire, and indulging in some healthy treats to replenish the mind, body and soul. 

Limited to 8 for an intimate setting.
Early Bird - $125.00 ( Register by Sept. 23rd)
Post Early Bird - $150.00
Email to Register:
E-transfer/Cash to hold spot:
Located at Sage and Center: Yoga, Health & Healing
937 Isabelle Street, Estevan Saskatchewan

Let's Play,

Namastacey (~*~)