For as long as I can remember I use to tell myself I can't draw or paint that I'm not artistic in that sense. Growing up my lack of confidence stopped me from doing/trying things out of fear of failure (virgo perfectionist over here). I realized how silly I had been in my limiting thinking. This is a skill it requires practice, of course some are born with recognizable abilities in this field but through experience in anything you gain knowledge. So I purchased a few small canvases, paint and brushes and then in Pluto fashion out of control shit flipped upside down my whole world (insert Stacey's ride to the awakened path). At this time in my life I was working on expanding myself personally. Great validation when looking back at my journey to living consciously. "I" intentional set out to become the best version of myself and try all the things I secretly desired but did not think I could or would ever do. Initiating my ascension process. After two years of self healing, discovery, and reversing my failing health(a story in itself) my reality has drastically transformed. I began to ask myself, "Who would I be without limitations, preferences, and expectations." How liberating and empowering. As I shifted my outlook on life and gained a new perspective everything around me changed.
In divine timing a like-minded soul came into my life in search of guidance/healing. We spoke about her interest in painting and how she started out with the similar lack of belief in her ability. Now living consciously I take any suggestions, feelings, soul urges, repetitious signs as guidance from a higher power(if it resonates with my truth). The desire to learn was always there it just took a back burner. So recently I have felt the strong urge to paint and having learned these past few years the importance of honoring such feelings I sat down yesterday for the first time and attempted to paint. With no idea where to start and no clue what to do I googled, "step by step beginner acrylic", I watched a 20 minute Youtube clip then called on my guides to channel any artistic gifts from all of my lives that were willing to come help and here's my new Raven friend. I'll call her Billy and yes, I am proud of myself.
The point of this isn't' to brag about my bird ;) haha. I am being Selfull (insert blog on selfish vs self). I aim to inspire others to self love, act on their desires, try new things and too become #selfull. It blows my human mind at how limited we really are by our imaginations. Everything we can muster up, think of, imagine is a potential reality that already exists within us. We tend to let our "fear" voice decide who we portray to the world and what we allow ourselves to experience. That is the voice of our ego. It only knows fear for it is here to protect us in life or death situations. A good job it has done so far, and a thank you it deserves. Although, this voice has been holding the megaphone dictating our choices. There's 1/4 of a second in which we receive divine guidance/intuition before the trained "fear" voice begins it's chatter, "You're not good enough, you're to old, I could never do that, You're not smart enough, Insert judgement, worry, lack of trust-- take your pick). As you act upon your desires/feelings and push past your comfort zones you give the megaphone to your higher self. Ego will always be here as protector, but we no longer give it the power to limit us. Just like painting is a practice so is responding from your higher self (intuition, gut feelings, god, creator, divine guidance, higher power, soul).
There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life. - John Lennon
Act upon your deepest desires, the whispers from your true self. Resistance to your soul's urges tends to interfere with your happiness. Not allowing the higher self to be an active, conscious part of life expressing it fully. Life can be an exciting adventure if you call upon the soul, the essence of all you are, to come out and play.
Namastacey ((~*~))