Moon Ritual - Manifesting and Purging
Have you had the urge to switch jobs, try yoga, start painting, leave an unhealthy situation, gain a deeper understanding of who you are, discover your life's purpose, move, start a new project etc. These desires/urges are what we call divine guidance(intuition) from the heart's intelligence of what will bring you true happiness, peace, and joy. With the cycles of the moon we are given the opportunity to plant seeds of intention into what we would like to manifest into our lives while simultaneously releasing what is no longer needed to make space for the new. The moons will compel us with different energies dependent on their zodiac sign, moon phase, so you can set specific intentions at a new moon, based on the energies of that zodiac sign, and watch them unfold in the coming half-year.
I love planting seeds and keeping track of my manifesting's as I watch them take root into my life. Regardless if it is a new moon or full moon that we are experiencing I am always very careful of my thoughts and where they stream too, keeping them optimistic as I know I am creating my future. Moon rituals, manifesting and purging specifically are apart of my self-care and a very powerful ritual to begin co-creating a conscious lifestyle living from your highest potential.
Moon Cycles
New moon—set the intention & get to work.
The new moon gives way to that first sliver of light as the shadow moves and the moon reveals herself—or “waxes,” as it’s called.
Full Moon - reap results or make decisions.
Two weeks later, we have the complete illumination of the full moon, which can reveal what was in the dark. Your next moves will show themselves now.
Finish what you started for two weeks after the full moon.
After the full moon, la luna “wanes” or recedes into shadows for two weeks, a good time to deal with what came up at the full moon, wrap up loose ends, and prepare to start something new at the next new moon
Manifesting Ritual - Step by Step
Write on the top of a piece of paper, 'What without any preferences, limitations, excuses, does my heart truly desire? Observe w/o judgement, criticism, self-doubt over what comes up through thoughts, ideas, visions, instant knowings.
Write on a piece of paper "Noticing" Followed by the answers you received. Example:
- Abundance of resources money, time, help, ideas, inspiration to aid me in creating a better world.
- Like-minded connections with people that grow, connect, and support one another.
- Healing with all my relationships towards those who've harmed me and vice-versa.
Place this paper on your window sill with the intention(most important), "To attract these things or something greater into my life drawing in the moon energy to support my manifestations." You may physically write this at the bottom of your paper. Welcome to add any crystals to amplify this energy remember all you need is intention! I'll be using Clear Quartz to intensify the energy as it absorbs the powerful lunar vibes.
You have now worked with the law of attraction and manifesting, two beautiful tools in life that have allowed me to attract my twin flame, clientele, heal relationships, receive material resources, practice trust/patience, grow my business, and meet my soul family just to name a few.
Purging Ritual - Step by Step
Notice where there is struggles in your life, a repetition of the same lesson (why does this keep happening to me?), a situation that has become unbearable/uncomfortable. These areas of you're life are becoming highlighted for you to consciously make a healthy change towards the greatest and most extraordinaire version of yourself and journey. When we don't align ourselves with our higher self, we attract harsher and less desirable experiences & lessons into our life. This journey wasn't meant to be a constant uphill battle, we make it that way by ignoring consciously or unconsciously the true calling of our soul, our heart's desire. Whether this be because of fear or ignorance to this type of education one can truly begin to experience and create a life they always dreamt of; trusting completely that if it is for their highest good and all involved, what's needed will be provided without a constant struggle, massive effort, and plethora of challenging trials.
Ask for the Moon to aid you in releasing what's no longer serving you and/or for assistance in releasing; habits, dysfunction beliefs, addictions, relationships, jobs that you've been struggling to let go of. Example:
Write on a separate piece of paper, 'I give permission for my higher power to intervene, please assist me in releasing what's no longer needed as I move forward honoring my highest-self.' Observe what comes up as thoughts, ideas, feelings, instant knowings. Example:
- Unhealthy cravings for food/drugs/alcohol.
- Procrastination tendencies.
- Resentment towards those who've harmed me.
The list can be as long as you need it. Once completed step outside with your paper and a match. Take a few deep breaths into your heart. Call in the Moon energy to assist you as you read out-loud your list. Then light fire to that paper as you ceremoniously give up control of that which you no longer know how to handle. You may experience a rush of emotion, a lightness, or nothing at all. Whenever you find yourself worrying or giving any energy to your already burnt purges, remind self you've given it up to a higher power, allow universe to handle the details, and trust.
For a Moon Cycle card reading or further guidance on discovering your life's purpose email
Love, Light, & Peace,
Namastacey (~*~)