Episode 10
Namaste + Hola,
In this episode of Family time with The Rey’s in the midst of bath time + baby shenanigans we read and discuss one of our latest channelled forecasts. Touching on topics such as; societal reset, the subconscious mind and its mega manifesting power, the necessities of healing skewed belief systems + trauma, misleading societal norms and its crippling effect on our bodie(s), cellular energy and our connection through it to one another, service to self/others and so much more!
We welcome you to join our family with the full intention of sharing what we know + continue to learn through years of channelled information and the myriad of guided experiences that have helped us free our minds and matter from societal slavery, fear, way too common crippling belief systems + life-altering existential confusion.
Separation, fear, misinformation and all its ugly misleading faces/masks are the main tools consistently used to keep power over the masses, so the choice to enforce TRUTH, UNITY, LOVE and the unwavering WILL-POWER to do so is the cure to all dis-ease, the end of suppression and the beginning of a new much more aligned, balanced + joy-filled world for our children and all future generations to freely create in.
Be kind to your minds’
-The Reys