Baring It All Series: Shifting Gears into 5D
Welcome to the fifth episode of the Baring It All Series. In this self-healing session, we're exploring the concept of shifting gears into 5D. Imagine being able to navigate the dimensional planes like a vehicle shifting gears. We're designed to be 5th-dimensional human beings, accessing all 12 dimensions and co-creating our reality.
The 5 States of Consciousness
We have five different states in which we get to shift in and out of. Giving, Receiving, Rest, Restoration, and Transcending. From the cell-centered infant to the super curious child, to the self-aware adult, we're meant to cruise up and down the dimensional plane, collecting pieces of our cells along the way. Due to severe imbalances within our organism most are stuck in fight, flight, freeze, fawn, and forget**.
Breaking Free from Limitations
Unfortunately, our Western culture is stuck in cell-centered and stressed-out states, unaware of what we're truly experiencing and why. The curious child within us has been lied to, given false information, and conditioned with imbalanced beliefs and habits passed down from our ancestry.
Human Evolution: From 1D to 5D In this stage of consciousness, we're evolving into 5th-dimensional living, transcending the:
- Reptilian/1D: Instinctual, survival-based consciousness
- Mammalian/2D: Emotional, tribal consciousness
- Primitive/3D: Ego-based, individualized consciousness
- Homosapien/4D: Rational, logical consciousness
As we ascend into the 5th dimension, we're entering a celestial, cosmic state, tuning into higher frequencies and dimensions:
- 6th dimension: Template for manifestation - 7th dimension: Spiritual awakening, connection to the divine - 8th dimension: Harmonization of opposites, unity consciousness - 9th dimension: Access to ancient wisdom, collective unconscious - 10th dimension: Multidimensional awareness, parallel universes - 11th dimension: Cosmic consciousness, unity with the universe - 12th dimension: Transcendence, pure awareness
Accessing Higher Dimensions
We can access these higher dimensions through various techniques, including:
- Sleep and lucid dreaming
- Meditation and mindfulness
- Channeling and mediumship
- Hypnosis and trance states
- Yoga and energy practices
Integrating the Brain and Nervous System
It's time to take back control of our lives and our reality. We'll explore the left and right hemispheres of the brain and work towards integrating all aspects of our being. Neocortical regulation and nervous system regulation are key to breaking free from false information and finding our true course.
Join the Journey
As always, I invite you to grow with me and get to know yourself on a deeper level. Remember, vulnerability is strength, and together, we can rise into our true potential.