Tauras Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
The hard-headed Taurus needs to stop ramming its cells into the wall in order to survive. It becomes necessary to reconnect with our RAM and ROM as we look at ourselves as cosmic computers with binary codes and bipolar energies. These coordinates work together like our DNA and our RNA to maintain our organs and human life. In order to maintain our own health and well-being we need to organize all of our memories. The Scorpio season provides us with an opportunity to harness and activate the energies inherent within these signs. This will allow us to filter out false information that is causing havoc on our cellular structures. Having a dark, mystic, yin-like, watery Scorpio on your side can assist the earthly, cell-focused Taurus in humbling itself and allowing its intuitive, creative side to be explored.
As our emotional health is a top priority, triggers are likely to arise. A trigger is your body's way of informing you that something has been neglected, unprocessed, or not digested. It is when our spiritual, mental, and emotional bodies experience imbalance that it will then manifest physically as an experience, ailment, illness, and/or disease. We experience many signs and symptoms as our cells decrease in charge and become detrimental. Our bodies are trying to get us to pay attention before a harsher lesson is learned through neglect or mislabelling. At this point in our evolution, we should all understand that our ideas, thoughts, feelings, and actions are integral to our cellular vibration. The information we store within our cellular memories determines the worth, value, and vibration of our cells. We simplify life when we understand and assemble our particles, from atoms to us. Emotions, or energies in motion as we like to call them, are our internal guides. Feelings* that ignite a spark can be a result of fear or love. It is our job to gain discernment, and to better become aware of what is occurring within our nervous systems.
This will enable us to respond in the most appropriate and beneficial way for everyone involved. The mislabelling of our emotions has created an imbalance within the system. When things are not labelled properly like files on a computer, they can be difficult to locate, access, or use. We must keep the stories about ourCELLves accurate as what we tell ourCELLves gets recorded into a library of our soul's ideas, thoughts, feelings and actions. Previously, I mentioned the Akashic records and our cellular memory.
continued part II
Yoga Flow for the Full Moon