w/ New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse*
During this time of new beginnings, the old must be dealt with core-rectly. Rectifying our most stubborn, yet detrimental traits can be difficult. Sometimes the very same things we thought we had overcome or healed can rear their unsightly little heads again, especially around these massive universal + planetary shifts. We are genuinely all in this together due to the fact that we are one giant energy ball ( a supernova star ) dispersed into billions and billions of self-conscious particles experiencing duality here on earth. The peregrination of evolution requires more immensely colossal picture self/cell cognizance like this one because if you still visually examine someone else as a separate being without kenning that they are just another version of you, then you are victualing a self-destructive ideology that is fuelled by competition, comparison, disseverment, jealousy, fear etc…
The truth shall set you free. This is factual on every calibre. This is because holding false information traps you in fake realities where your conceptions, perceptions, emotions and actions are all liable to be predicated on erroneous information. Thus, engendering erroneous experiences and "realities" with faulty results can create perplexity, doubt, hopelessness, depression, fatigue, rejection, and more fear-driven reactions. Love = oneness simply because when you realize that we are all one the ideology of soul family can begin to brew within you. An ecosystem of unconditional appreciation and love can then begin sprouting within this internal ecosystem. Whether or not you were born in the Scorpio season, there is Scorpio energy within you, which, when acknowledged and harnessed, can lead to remarkable benefits for you and those with whom you surround yourself. The knowledge of planetary/zodiac/energy is simply a branch of self-awareness. The Scorpio season and partial solar eclipse present some challenges for us. It is a good time to face old fears and trudge through the discomforts of expanding and transmuting core values. This is to respond to life instead of reacting to it.
How do we do that you might ask? First, it is essential that you are open and ready to learn the lessons at hand. This will ascertain that you won’t feel like you are ever getting caught off guard. This choice allows you to be prepared. This will avail you to read situations accurately, possibly even consciously witnessing the situations composed right in front of you that will lead to your lesson at hand. By way of example, if standing up for yourself is the lesson that is being presented, you may be able to notice that opportunities will emerge to give you the chance to stand up for yourself unwaveringly and for what's right. Overpowering the pre-trained unmanaged parts of you to not react at the moment, but instead, become aware of all contributing factors of the opportunity that is presented as whatever superficial situation was needed to bring about the lesson IS more than half the battle. After that, you must truly and vulnerably take the action that would end the unhealthy loop. More than likely, the most challenging and uncomfortable part would feel the most challenging and uncomfortable. Go figure!
Allow the Scorpio new moon + partial solar eclipse to be a re-fresh/re-set and take advantage of the majestic opportunities at hand. Ask yourcellves what new healthier routines and practices would help you in your journey without any attachment to the outcome. Listen openly and vulnerably to the wisdom from within. You must do the same for the things you need to release. Trust that if you truly listen and stay committed, your journey will unfold clearly and in a beautiful way.
Light, love and wisdom from your dark
Scorpio self-care
Following a review of the forecast, once your mind has been set in motion, allow your information to process as you move through this fluid yoga class, which allows your mind and matter to meld together, heightening your perspective and recharging your cells.