Reclaiming Our Natural Rhythm: Hello February
Some of us are realizing we live in a man-made calendar that doesn’t flow with the cycles and seasons of our nature, taking us out of sync with our cells and the universe. With that awareness, we can begin to transition our cells and awareness to what’s true and real and start to align with reality and real elements and real time!
The calendar is designed to be 13 months, a representation of our multidimensional human being. The 1 + 3 = 4 bridge, the heart chakra, the 13th dimension evolved cell with access to all other 12 dimensions, projection through our mainframe... wooop! That’s big, I know. Stay with me, I’m just a small-town girl from Saskatchewan who never thought she’d be channeling advanced intelligence to regulate her system and evolve consciousness. But we’re here! And it’s going to take some mind-blowing thinking and experiencing to break out of the dense cities and dense perspectives clouding our human minds and senses. We numb, we dumb, but that’s okay. We’ve got an antidote, truth, and a little THC for some, depending on the level of low they’ve taken their cells! We must claim it to tame it!
Right now, we are entering what would be the 11th month, which means we’re coming to the end of the year, the last half of winter, and we’re allowing the processes to process as we prepare for the new year, April 1st. This marks the ushering in of new energies, spring fever, the 23rd chromosome getting it on, turning on, hibernation station be over, and it’s time for the bunnies to be bumping!
With this awareness, you can align your day-to-day and seasons with the real reason and take back your nature, your power, your mind, your time, and start to set your cells up for synchronization. Once we’re flowing with nature, the ride will be much sweeter. We don’t want to go against Mama Earth; we need to reconnect to her soul and rock and roll this planet into a new level of consciousness.
Adding in our Gregorian calendar, it’s the second month, and it’s packed with love! Which we can still incorporate. Take the 11th month from the 13th month calendar and do some numerology: 1 + 1 = 2! So, we’re in that second dimension, water element, relationship with self and others, all others like aliens, ancestors, consciousness, bugs, plants, sea creatures... with it all!
Today, we follow the Gregorian calendar, but it’s based on the ancient Roman calendar, believed to have been invented by Romulus, who served as the first king of Rome around 753 BC.
February comes from the Latin word februa, which means “to cleanse.”
It was named after Februalia, the Roman festival of purification, which was a month-long festival of purification and atonement that took place this time of year.
When Julius Caesar became Pontifex Maximus, he reformed the Roman calendar so that the 12 months were based on Earth’s revolutions around the Sun. It was a solar calendar, as we have today. January and February were moved to the front of the year, and leap years were introduced to keep the calendar year lined up with the solar year. Julius Caesar made one of his most significant contributions to history: With the help of Sosigenes, he developed the Julian calendar, the precursor to the Gregorian calendar we use today. The names originating from Roman gods and goddesses, words that described the energy or activities present, along with Roman emperor’s.
We’ve also got Valentine’s Day, a holiday with ancient roots in Roman and Christian traditions. The Catholic Church recognizes at least three martyred saints named Valentine, but the most popular legend is that of Saint Valentine of Rome.
According to legend, Saint Valentine was a Christian priest who lived in Rome during the 3rd century AD. Emperor Claudius II had outlawed marriage for young men because he believed that single men made better soldiers. Saint Valentine defied the emperor’s decree and continued to perform marriages in secret.
When Emperor Claudius II discovered this, he had Valentine arrested and executed on February 14th. During his imprisonment, Saint Valentine is said to have healed the daughter of his jailer and converted her and others to Christianity. Before his execution, Saint Valentine wrote a letter to the jailer’s daughter, signing it "From your Valentine," which is where the modern-day expression comes from.
Valentine's story takes a deeper turn when we consider his role as a Christian priest. We're aware of the profound damage Christian culture inflicted upon paganism and natural healers, forcing conformity through brutal means. Can we see Valentine's fate as a form of internal karma? He promoted a religion that controlled and killed, suppressing the very natural harmony his actions seemed to support. Ultimately, his efforts to help others led to his own demise. This tragic paradox invites us to contemplate the physical manifestations of our choices and how they shape our reality.
We love a rebel with a cause, and this Aquarius season, the story of Valentine’s Day speaks to the rebel for love. It highlights the challenges of war and its severe, complex post-trauma effects on our consciousness. It also emphasizes the need for our people to raise up together, take their power back from this false history on repeat that we keep fueling by carrying false belief systems!
Aghhh, is it really all our own faults? Yup, that’s what you’ll find in the vaults! The parts of our cells that need healing, recalibrating, from all the fake and fear-based living conditions, circumstances, and harsh lessons endured as a result of selling the self out for profit, acceptance, false ideas of safety... the times we lied to other versions of us, cultures, countries, for control. It all stems from our own cells!
And once we get a hold of it, we can change this whole system! The system is broken is a reflection our systems our broken, shift what’s inside and the outsides will change by default. Stop feeding the fake, starve the greedy, and watch the real rise up!