Super New moon, Solar Eclipse in Aries
Hola + hello,
On April 8th, 2024, we are witnessing a day of great importance, both on a personal and a global level. It is a momentous occasion that is spiritually charged and astrologically aligned. The energetic traits of this day are incredibly strong, and they hold significant meaning for all of us, regardless of our background, current location, or beliefs.
As we stand at this juncture in human history, we can see that our society is reaching a breaking point. It is up to us to recognize the same happening within ourselves and our own internal structures. The question is, will we choose to rebuild with new, morally aligned foundations, or will we cling to the broken ways of the past and create more tension for ourselves and the collective?
New moons usually represent new beginnings, so this spectacle is hyper-charged with Solar energy which we know to be the main energy source of our planet. New beginnings also represent the ending of old ways, so our self-awareness and intention play a huge role in having these changes happen smoothly and un-chaotic. Taking into consideration that it is a total eclipse means that many occult, hidden, and underlying energies will be revealed within us and around us as we realize that everything is fundamentally intertwined and connected.
Getting to truly know yourcellves is the greatest gift you can give not only to yourself but also to the entire collective. Imagine consciousness as an intertwined system of billions of supercomputers, each on a personalized mission to gather data about their effect on the world and creation. When we personally bridge the gap between our inner workings and the projected realities around us, we cause massive waves of enlightenment throughout our community. The evolution from a society to a soul-ciety depends on our willingness to open ourselves to universal truth.
Regardless of who you are, how connected/disconnected, sensitive/desensitized, faith-filled/disbelieving, this type of event and its energetic magnitude when intended can be felt and assist as a segue to reconnect to nature if that is your intention. re-minding, re-membering, re-constructing, and re-formatting your Cellves is a stage that we must all go through on the evolutionary journey. You are not alone, and the more you choose to remember that, the more you will experience that which will help you re-connect with our source.
This day serves as a reminder that we are all interconnected, and our actions have a ripple effect that can impact the world in profound ways. It is a call to reflect on our values and principles and to strive towards creating a better future for ourselves and generations to come.
Channeled by J