Spoonful of Stacey - Self-Worth ( Part VI )
When I was a young child, she was Mighty Mouse escaping the controlled threat of my father--you'll never leave because of money. My wealthy grandparents shunned the innocent bystanders, the children, after their divorce. We were removed from our family home and subjected to a life of manipulation/avoidance/control by him. The brunt of his pent-up anger toward his mother and denial of the true relationship he had with his father fell on my mother and me. It was as if he rejected all emotions and avoided feelings altogether. I remember the torture of spending weekends with him when I was a little girl. Now that I am a mother, I can imagine the tremendous emotions involved in having to give your children, ages 4 and under, to a man who regards them as a bad investment. In regression, one has access to all memories stored in the cellular memory since the beginning of time. It is extremely harmful to believe that children will not remember or will not be affected later in life in any way. These are excuses told to self in attempts to CONvince one’s actions weren’t as wrong. This pride in the unhealed ego is strong. I have triggered it numerous times as it was my duty as an ego eradicator. It is vital to be vulnerable -- I see things as they are because I have been willing to take a 360-degree view of myself.
And that doesn't mean it's pleasant. Energy shifts rapidly when you feel it and you can process and heal it. By taking personal ownership and responsibility, you will bring balance to any and all unaligned actions that by default affect everyone internally and externally. Many came to me to assist in healing their imbalances, understanding their feelings, and better understanding the root of their chemistry. My work is an alchemy of the body, emotions, mind, and spirit. People are swayed by fear and the false versions they continue to feed. Running away from the parts of one's self which are created in fear and false ideas which construct unhealthful patterns and loops in one's life. People are accustomed to their fake problems, they are used to their fake diagnoses, and they want the quick-fix miracle pill instead of putting in the grind and day-to-day work required to heal all their past and begin anew. As a result, they fake it till they make it and disregard the information as mere superficiality, never willing to actually take action to change.