Blue Full Moon in Aquarius - Harnessing Self-Power
Life in Vibration Forecast
Hello + Hola,
Welcoming all our CELLves back, so much has happened in the last couple of years since you last consistently heard from us, on all levels; Spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically which have now been simplified + understood to be our main source elements Air, Fire, Water and Earth.
We have been much more distant from the media but far from absent. Much observation and growth has been taking place both internally + externally as we have trudged through some of the thickest + densest healings from our original existential sludge. Did we know what we signed up? haha Healing trauma + ancestral Karma, diffusing drama and doing our best to respond + re-align with our dharma. Expanding through babies furr and human igniting the cellular memories requiring our further discovery + aligned action.
Obviously the world has been going through it as well and it’s easy to tell how confusing this whole turn of events has been for everyone. Not only has unnecessary fear (unconscious survival reactions) been sparked worldwide, leaving everyone in a state of not knowing; who to trust, what to do, how to respond + who you are outside of all the disTRACKtions of this unhealthy societal “normalcy” but we have also been able to see many, many signs of the untrustworthy snake that has been slithering amongst the worlds political ruling class + their attempt to further separate/divide us from our selves and each other. The cats alll the way out of the bag, obvious societal reset among us.
Dysfunctional + detrimental Societal slavery has been a thriving “success” for much too long on this plane and mama earth amongst all other living + connected beings are here to help + assist elevating the unconscious out of this sleepy state of conformity with the vile -so far from who we are meant to be and how we are meant to be living state of existence. Ironically, that of who/what is here to help us is what/who we have been trained to reject the most collectively.
We are all interconnected and this is undeniable when we choose to see truth. Now that the world has been shaken it has opened up a major opportunity for many of us to see past the facade of separation, robot living, societal-structure’s lack of functionality, obvious media control + it’s blunt campaign to seize freedom of speech which has helped many step if not directly into at least towards our purpose + true joy.
Major astronomical events are jam packed into assisting nature’s evolution. It’s no coincidence, nothing ever is as our cellular system like EVERYTHING else derives from energy, which has simple, clear + direct laws on how it functions within + around us. We speak about these laws persistently and I will make sure to go deeper into these laws + their profound relevance to every single living organism on this universe in a near future blog, podcasts, + classes for it is the formula so to speak for managing the cellular system.
This month has the appropriate quantity + quality of elements/energy to assist anyone who is WILLING to make significant shifts in their life + relationships. Notice without judgement the tension + at times frustration that June-July-August helped bring to the surface for further exploration. Chiron retrograde, Mars + Venus conjunction, Mercury + Jupiter’s relationship and the powerful moons to name a few have been playing their part. We are encouraged to fill up our cups through mindful Cell care + conscious ritualistic Cellves loving actions. We must be Cellfull not selfish through these activities, pre-set your intention that everything you do is for the greatest good of all... not just yourself. This intention assists to broaden your spectrum and get closer to the REALization of original consciousness and Co-creation.
With the assisting planetary shifts + universal changes this would be an appropriate time to truly buckle down + step away from ALL unhealthy habits and create new much more aligned conscious relationships with nature, people, foods, substances, practices, routines, and all forms of self/cell growth + evolution. Zoom out of your experiences, allow the grandest view with all contributing facts + events to surface. The moon has a shadow side as do we. Think like Peter Pan. As this energy can be very Pan-like. Immature + ignorant not wanting to grow it’s awareness of its own self and experiences. That said, neglected, traumatized, and abandoned which is the root of Pan’s issues and many of our own. It’s the parts of ourcellves we do not let come to light. The parts of ourcellves that were not given a chance. The versIONS of us we keep hidden, our dark desires, secrets + actions taken we’ve yet to AIR out for the ( idea ) of anyone else knowing might cause US to feel ( water ). The versIONS of us we keep to ourselves, living out daydreams 😶🌫️ in our mind ( air, fire) never allowing to take the stage due to fear, laziness, trauma, insert unhealed egoic reaction.
In some cases we run from the way we actually need to feel. These feelings, our emotions ( water ) ignite the mind ( fire ) to drive change within the individual self emancipating from the belief systems repeating toxic patterns. Self-responsibility is beautifully genius for it requires the grandest level of emotIONal awareness ( the biggest picture, all vibrations dense-subtle gathered ) and then the WILLPOWER ( bad-assery ) to face SELF in all it’s ugly, shame, manipulation, trauma, neglect, abuse, pain and feel it throughout all the bodies/elements to heal it thoroughly + release all versions of self created in these imbalanced states back into Mother Earth for recycling.
The Rey’s in the Collective