Spoonful Of Stacey - Food Food Food - Balanced Lifestyle

Spoonful Of Stacey - Food, Food, Food --You eating poison or medicine? 

I know what I can eat & I know what I can't eat & yes that can make it any easier but then we are left with old patterns to work through while making the changes & it doesn't help we have been set up in such an instant gratifying, convenient, fake flavor modified, consumer driven food industry. It's thanksgiving with wheat filled gravy, fatty high sodium ham, creamy mashed potatoes, red meat cabbage rolls, white processed sugar cranberries, dairy filled pies.....allllll which are delicious to taste my mom's a bombbbbbbb cook but later reap hella havoc on Johny & my systems.

Did we scarf down anyways....Yep! Do we feel like shit today...Yep! Are we going to dwell in it, feel guilty, regret it....Nope! Why throw a double negative on the food that's already weakening the energy in your body--- Do you do this...eat in a way you wish you wouldn't then fall into self loathing and negative shit talk!? I can inform you by doing that my loves you are in fact making things worse. Our minds are powerful tools & where we focus our thoughts the energy behind that thought will expand, amplify. Example, Stacey eats off her restrictions, cut to a few hour later or the next morning repeating the should have, could have, would haves in her mind. "You know you can't eat that, you know you'll get sick, you should have just made something cleaner, that'll go straight to your thighs ETC. All those thoughts are negative(-) therefore decreasing the charge of my cells on top of the food I ate already doing the same thing----See how that happens.

A few years ago when I started learning about energy I was sceptic to all the new information I was receiving but a healthy scepticism-- nothing makes me more spicy then when people judge, criticise, or even have an opinion of something they've never tried or experienced themselves. So I became my own guinea pig of alternative & holistic healing, conscious living, & studying spirituality as I reversed my own failing health using the methods & modalities I was learning about on myself in my day to day life. I set out on an experiment & for two weeks I stopped talking shit about my body--(yes, I hear some of you...I'm tiny this is obvious but I to can gain weight & feel unsatisfied in my own skin just like anyone else)

--I didn't change the amount I exercised, I didn't change my diet, just caught myself with every negative self talk you're ugly, you let yourself go, you're not pretty enough, every pinch of my thighs, and when I caught myself in this self loathing act I tried out a new method of healing and I said, "Clear, cancel, and delete, I know longer want to speak of myself in this harmful way & replaced it with a positive(+) thought, "I am beautiful just the way I am, I love & honor myself" Did I roll my eyes the first few times, did it feel awkward at first...yes, and this caused for questioning as well.....Why was it so hard to love myself?---but that's a whole other blog to get into! The result after two weeks of consciously retraining my thoughts was amazing, I lost weight...I lost the heavy dense energetic weight plugging up my cells from the negative self talk I was creating with my mind. I felt lighter, brighter, more confident, gained trust in my new belief systems, and began to retrain my negative mind -WIN WIN 

Fact--There's just simply some foods our bodies can't digest--Fact---Because of the extent of harm unconsciously done to my digestive system there is some foods I can no longer digest, and in truth there's a lot of foods nobody's bodies should EVER digest--but that's your journey to figure out. Food is our fuel and our body breaks it down into energy for our systems to function off of....so ask yourself what kind of fuel are you feeding your only vessel, your children's, and you loved ones in this life. When we get busy the inconvenience of not having ready easy made food can be a pain in the ass but this is just lack of preparation and creativity on our part. We all like excuses right..."I'm to busy, I don't have the time, I'm not a good cook, It's more expensive to eat healthier, It's hard to think of new recipes.....ETC. 

Pretty sure this way of thinking, our perception might be skewed af, surely missing the bigger picture.  Fact, you have one body in this life. Fact, food is fuel for your body. Fact, everything is energy. Fact, time doesn't exist. Fact, the most important thing in your life is your own self care and ability to be self aware. Fact, if you have sexual intercourse with a person their energy stays within you for SEVEN years(nothing to do with this blog but a crazy fact to be aware of  haha) Fact, humans systems have evolved since the times of hunters & gatherers, heighten in vibration. Fact, if you put heavy, dense, processed, chemical, toxic food in your system you will lower the charge of your cells & weaken your system as a whole--leading to mood swings, insomnia, migraines, headaches, bloating, digestive issues, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, weight gain, insulin resistance, shortness of breath, dental distress, blood sugar spike, inflammation, arthritis, heart issues, irregular menstrual--intense cramps, diabetes, brain function, kidney & liver disease, cancer just to name a few. Did we all just get lazy, conditioned to convenience, uneducated, uninformed?! 

There's a World Wide Web filled with minimalist, easy to create, high vibrational recipes, information on foods, documentaries on the reality of the food industry, accessible knowledge at our fingertips---you just have to sift through, be extremely honest with yourself, and find what resonates with you. Did you know your body can tell you what it wants to eat and what it can't or doesn't like digesting?! Did you know you can learn to eat intuitively, receiving clear insights as to what your body is craving or needs more of!? Did you know YOU have access to all the information & answers you would ever need just waiting for you to listen!? Our bodies are amazing and they want & can give us the answers we need that will provide your system with sustainable energy it can use to function at it's optimal intelligence. That deserves some exploring don't ya think?  

As my guides & Angels say we humans over do it, we eat like shit, treat our bodies like shit, smoke shit, drink shit---they say you mix it all together creating black like tar in your systems. One drink leads to two, one shitty meal leads to more shitty meals, which leads to less savory decisions, which leads to self sabotage, low self esteem, lower vibrations, unhealthy bodies etc. This came up when we were in a channel with Jess, Skylar was coming through a main guide of ours from the other side, saying we humans all need to just smoke a joint & chill the f out. He went on to say, "like Jess has her cup of grapes, some smoke the healing herb cannabis we all have our vices--If we all did things with conscious awareness as to what this does to our vibration & systems with moderation and balance being your key priority we'd all be far better off---but we mix all things together, we don't counterbalance after our indulgences, and very few learn the birth given gift of natural healing & develop their intuition to assist them in cultivating this balance and awareness required to live a conscious, healthy, stress-illness free rounded out lifestyle." 

So essentially we are shortening our own life's, living unbalanced, unhealthy, unconscious lifestyles that are killing us at younger ages, causing crazy freaking illnesses, and taking us away from the true life we are meant to create for ourselves -----no bid deal right!? I'd beg to differ but that's just me and your YOU!  This life is truly your journey and you are choosing whether you're conscious of it or not how it unfolds!  

Be kind to your self(mind, body, & soul) & others and the rest will fall into place,


Namastacey (~*~)