Meditation with Catalina 🐍 one of my spirit guides ✨
Feeling blessed as I work so closely with my guides, healing the lost and tarnished souls on our earthly plane 👁
Where my free thinkers at!? #rEVOLution
We all go through the veil of amnesia when we incarnate. Most of us forget who we are as souls, where we’ve come from and what the heck we’re doing here. Spirit guides know that it is challenging to be incarnated here at Earth school AND keep a connection to your higher self and your soul’s purpose.
The role of your guides is to gently but consistently guide you via intuitive nudges to stay on track with your soul’s purpose. Practicing listening to your intuition and acting upon it's guidance is achievable by any who seeks enlightenment but it takes just that, practice. In addition, if something is in your purpose to accomplish, you will find support from your spirit guides in that endeavour. They will hook you up with resources, people, money, books to help you reach your goals. They can offer insight and comfort when you feel lost.
But there is one important condition to the help they can give us and this condition serves us:
Your spirit guides will only help you to accomplish and achieve things that honour the purpose that YOU set for yourself before you incarnated.
Action Step: Find a quiet place to still the body and mind. Breathe into your heart, connect to it's pulse. Ask, "What guide am I currently working with?" Wait for response it may come as an instant knowing, feeling, vision, etc. Trust what comes up before the trained egoic voices jump in, "You're making this up!" etc. If you receive the response feel free to spend some time asking this guide for advice, whatever comes to mind! You are only limited by your imagination. The words aren't as important as your intention behind which should be essentially opening to a higher power, your higher power, and creator to access the divine intelligence just waiting for your permission to assist you in your life. We are human, we have free will. We must give up our control and put trust in something our human mind struggles to comprehend and this is part of the conditions to their help, we must trust.
Offering mentorship programs for those awakening souls seeking guidance just as I had during my transitioning into conscious living, email
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."
Namastacey (~*~)